Individual track lengths Digitone

I would like to have track 1 with length 48.
Track 2-4 with length 64.

I can adjust that with [Scale] and then [Fn + Yes].
But, what happens then is that track 1 first runs the 48 trigs, then it runs trigs 1-16, the it restarts and runs 1-48. It will thus run as follows: trigs 1-48, 1-16, 1-48, 1-16, and so on.

Track 2-4 will run 1-64 all the time.

I would love to have the following.

Track 1: Loop 1-48 continuously, thus running 1-48, 1-48, 1-48, and so on.
Tracks 2-4: Loop 1-64 continuously.

Is that possible to solve?

Best wishes,


only way to make that work is if you could have different master lengths, ant that is unfortunately not possible.

Sure it’s possible. 3 x 64 = 192 / 48 = 4. So set master length to 192 track 1 will play 4 time before looping and track 2 will play 3 times before looping.


Or set master to INF…


Many thanks all! Much appreciated!

Best, Lars

This is the way, unless you enjoy maths.


Yes, thanks.

But I realised that if I set master length to Infinity, I cannot get pattern 2 to start after pattern 1 (which has master length set to Infinity) once the last step of pattern 1 has played. The A01/A02 keeps flashing in the upper left corner of the screen.
So it seems there is no really good solution to my problem.

Cheers, Lars

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Never give up until its unanimous on the forum that there’s no solution… :slight_smile:


Maybe make a feature request for manual pattern changes?

Otherwise, You should simply decide how long you want the overall pattern should be and change it if you don’t like it. :slight_smile:

we definitely need a pinned thread for this!