Individual track swing amount

Does the AR support different swing amounts per voice/track? Didnt really see an answer in the manual.

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Is the solution that obvious, or is nobody interested in this function? :slight_smile:

I’m afraid that swing is a pattern global feature, so it affects all tracks.
You can change each single track lenght, but all share the same amount of swing AFAIK.

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Now that’s a major disappointment :frowning:
No one else? Perhaps a workaround?

A workaround would be to use microtiming to pull/push certain trigs


Yes that’s what i’ve been doing so far but not very workflow friendly.

Lucky you can hold several trig buttons at once and press the micro-shift but still, when working with lots of patterns and you want to change the swing of 1 element good luck with microshifting all trigs…

true dat

When you select a track you want to edit (lets say “hihats”) and you click on Swing your trig buttons will light up. If you now turn them off it means that hihats will have no swing added. Meanwhile everything else (global) will have a swing (you can test it at the same time by adjusting swing amount). So there is no individual swing (which is a shame) but at least you can “deselect” some of the tracks that you don’t want to apply swing to. Or you can deselect parts of them. Hope this helps.

Other way around is microtiming which requires a bit more work but can be very rewarding in the end.


yes i discovered that too a few days ago.
Is there something about this in the manual?
Also you can mess with the lighted (swing) trigs to get all kind of awkward swings and stuff but i didn’t really know what i was doing.

Is there a way to change the swing of ALL patterns, instead of entering each pattern and manually changing one by one ?

this still wasn’t implemented? this is so simple, individual track swing :cry: