Industrial/Noise live set with Octatrack


Looks fun. If your into fun. :flushed:

Noice What’s the red guy under the OT?

What’s your setup exactly, if you don’t mind telling? I too make industrial / noise with an Octatrack in my setup, just wondering how much you use it as a sampler and how much is outboard gear sequenced or mixed by the OT?

Very nice sounds btw. Do you have a bandcamp?

It’s the Access Virus B

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The setup for this live set was

Octatrack MKII, Tasty Chips GR-1, Boss SE-70, Keith McMillen K-Mix, Access Virus B, Boss DD6 Delay, Boss OC2 Octave Pedal, Last Gasp Art Laboratories Super Oscillo Fuzz, Electro Voice RE-20 Microphone

I have a new setup now so no longer performing these tracks, still includes the Octatrack though!

Bandcamp is


Well that was a great live set, just finished it. I will surely check out your bandcamp!

Thanks for the kind words!

This is great, good varied set, I especially like the tune starting around 08:00. Cool t-shirt too!
How are the vocals getting processed if you don’t mind me asking?

Is the Tasty Chips GR-1 still in your setup? I’ve been dreaming of it, not perhaps fully seriously but it does seem like a really great device.

It’s not. I mostly only use it for ambient pads - which it is really good for but I did decide to keep it, in case I want to bring it to a show and just plug it in alongside my rig.

I still use it for recording though as well.

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Thanks! I think the vocals are just going through the onboard compressor and reverb on the Keith McMillen K-Mix

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