Input machines 12 bit?

I would like to make some of my other gear more lo fi. I have a MD and wondered if I routed my other gear through the input machines would the signal be affected by the 12 bit circularity?

I’m kind of after that SP1200 sound.


Not the INP machines as such (although you can play with the sound with filters and the Track Effects), but the RAM PLAY machines on the MDUW have controllable bit-rate reduction.

That may or may not meet your requirement for sounding like an SP1200.

Give it a try and see whether you like it.

The MD does not sound like an SP1200 at all.

I don’t have a UW but the INP machines probably sound very similar to the RAM players on the UW (same hardware, same ADCs, most likely, sounds very digital and crispy).

To make your gear sound more lo-fi, use something like the Decimort 2 plugin, if that is an option for you.

p.s.: the Analog Rytm, combined with that plugin, would get you much closer to the SP1200 sound than an MD, I think.

You could bit-/samplerate crush the samples in your DAW using that plugin, then replay them in the AR.

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