Input wanted on Digitakt and/or Op-z> eurorack

Fellow elektronauts. I have for quite some time considered DT or OP-Z and the intents behind them is to sequence other gear as well as being used by it’s own. The idea and “need” came from wanting to sequence rhythmics and and bass, or drum&bass driven experimentalism which i find very therapeutic.
I do have A4 and AR and i got A4 hooked to my bass voice which is a graphic vco from erica synths and it’s going through filter and back to the A4. Thing is that i want to sample, resample and and then use it for drums, perc, fx etc and right now i can do that by recording A4 via OB in Live and then work the audio in Live and then transfer to samples to AR.

The Op-z seems to be very handy for sequencing gear and by itself allowing for beatmaking with prepared and transfered samples in the go. Obviously DT seems like the most versatile and hands on of the two and they both offer specific “pros and cons”. A possibility regardless of which of the ones, is to interface to €rack with FH-2 and/or uMidi(intellijel).

Honestly the A4 is only used for CV and i have never glued with its own sound so to speak, though i know that oneself often is the limiting factor. AR on the other hand is great in both synthesis and sample support, though it can’t sample and buying a AR mk2 isn’t an option.

Please share any thoughts. Any. Criticism like “dude you the stuff you have. you are already spoiled as is, just think back at the times when sequencing with C64 and amiga and look at the gear we sit with now and pretending is not enough” is also welcome.


Dude, use the stuff you have. you are already spoiled as is, just think back at the times when sequencing with C64 and amiga and look at the gear we sit with now and pretending is not enough!

A4 only for CV? Not even as Multifilter and fx Sound mangling Box? Way overpowered then. Sell both A4 and AR.
Get the AR Mk2 for its sampling capability. It will Help you to streamline your Workflow. Leaving Out the Sample exporting stuff. For CV sequencing get something Like Hermod or Pyramid, or Novation SL MK3 or Arturia Keystep or Beatstep Pro.


oh yes i use sync/clock, transport, filters and fx on A4 and then record its tracks in Live, i just don’t use it’s synthesis “alone”.
AR is my to go drum sequencer in which i mix prepared samples with it’s synthesis, streaming via OB and sometimes fiddling with it by itself on the sofa. ive looked at pyramid and even considered sequencer in €-format straight up, nerdseq in combo with my vg8+, mimetic digitalis, o&C with hemisphere. but that’s a bit ot.
The ARmk2 will not let me midi sequence anything but gives sampling, synthesis and very good fx. how do you reason selling AR for Armk2?

Seems like Op-z isn’t a good option if wanting to connect it to other gear at them moment so that’s one less component to consider.

thanks for your input

Teenage will sometimes in the Future Release a Midi/cv Module Expansion for the Opz. Until then watch this:

ARmk2 for sampling directly the modular. But true no Midi sequencing.

You’re right. Everything doesn’t have to be integrated to everything and be able to be sequenced the same way.
Case closed :slight_smile: