Intellijel Cascadia

aside from having different sets of modules, they don’t really sound alike to me. maybe once they’re snarled into a crazy enough state it doesn’t matter. but the core sound is not the same. nor is it meant to be. to me, this sounds a bit more Roland-ey. which makes sense since the Intellijel Atlantis is pretty SH-101 sounding (maybe you should be comparing a Roland System 100m to this…? :thinking:). but the Cascadia goes way beyond that and you can get Buchla-esque type sounds out of it. which the 2600 can’t even dream of (nor should it!).

as @trackerjack stated, this is very full-featured and there’s a ton to explore here. there is in the 2600 as well, but there’s more here.


Ah well that explains it! I’d somehow missed that little section :slight_smile: Nice addition

I notice on Rubadub they have a shot of it with metal end cheeks (I haven’t seen this photo anywhere else). I wonder if that’s an old concept or if they’ll have alternatives available…

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Alternate’s are available at vendors.

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Nice one thanks! I think the wood looks better but I know some folks hate that look so this is a sensible move on their part :ok_hand:

I’m thinking just from a durability/gigging perspective the metal cheeks are a nice option. Maybe Cascadia puts on it’s wood cheeks at home as it relaxes with a nice glass of wine, but prefers to be metal when out for a late night.


No wine near modular please, unless it’s in a sippy cup. And even then, the modular can’t have any!


haha I like it - they could do a set that have hooks for a lid, like the performance case…

Isn’t that how everyone drinks their wine?


I personally use one of those jogging backpacks, but for most that would be overkill

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I have to drink wine while I modular otherwise I start to remember how much it cost me.


How amazing it must be to combine it with a 2600 (and/or Fenix, Implexus), though.

This would really make a great little modular expander.
I think they’ve missed a trick not fitting a joystick in there. Well, would probably have added another 200 bucks to the cost at least. A delay would have been nice, too.

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Fwiw Chip shortage has made Planar difficult.

It would, though there’s the send/return loop available - which is also nice.


I’ve already got what I need. Metropolix baby!

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Oh sweet!! Those two together… omg! Can’t wait to hear what you do.

Yeah I dig the FX send, I’d prefer being able to choose my own delay. This is a stupid sentence but choice of delay is a sacred and personal thing lol


Was this ever answered? I might have missed it.

Given that the Cascadia is mono, it makes sense that the send/return TS loop is too:

Rear Panel

  • ¼” Stereo Headphone jack.
  • ¼” Balanced Output Jack.
  • ¼” Balanced Input routed to a slider and output on the main panel for patching anywhere into Cascadia.
  • ¼” TS Pedal FX Send Return and ¼” TRS Expression Out.
  • MIDI DIN In/Out/Thru and USB-MIDI all routed to the MIDI > CV Interface on the top panel.
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yeah - the FX send/ return is mono & it makes sense. Intellijel intend you to be inserting stuff in the middle of the signal path - say pre filter for example, for interesting pedal procoessing of your sound, but as they say on one of the videos, most wide stereo stuff ( reverbs, delays etc ) are going to be added post the whole main mix outs, so the FX loop doesn’t really need to be stereo, as it’s going to get mono-ised back inside the Cascadia anyway.


oof, i really want it but the price is a bit much for me rn :>. ive been wanting to get into modular since some years now and i explored a lot but never makes the jump. this to me is getting modular functionality without having to get lost in options (for many thats a negative of course but strictly functionally its a positive).


I think it is a negative when a design makes too many compromises, but so far I don’t feel that about Cascadia (of course, we have to wait for lots of user demos and experience reports). There’s not a lot that I would say is superfluous, or lacking.