Interfacing MIDI Transport between Traktor Pro 3 and Digitone Keys (fully solved)

I have a Digitakt. It gets picked up as an audio interface by my MacBook with no issues. I also have an Expert Sleepers ES-8 and a Traktor Control Z1. They all get recognized by my Mac. I just got a Digitone Keys. It won’t pick it up as an audio interface. I must be missing a setting?

Just found this clue…

But it’s not showing up in the transfer software…

Update the firmware? Im on the same version as you and i know it to not be the most current.
Also, congratulations on your Digitone Keys. I love mine!

I think I got it…had to go through a weird sequence!

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i should try plugging mine in…see what happens.
Hmm… my IMac detected it right away.
now im curious…

The weird sequence, for me, was switching to usb/midi for the sysex transfer but then going back to overbridge for the Mac to detect it (in case anyone else has this issue).

Not quite solved. More challenges. Traktor software…Need someone real smart and bored!

The Traktor software won’t accept an aggregate audio device. However, prior to adding the Digitone Keys into the aggregate bundle, it had no issue.

Restarted the Traktor software, selected the aggregate. Solved the issue. Now it’s happy with the aggregate. That’s good. However, I have not solved my original problem that started it all.

When I had my aggregate going before I tried to add the Digitone Keys, I was able to hit that transport button in the Traktor software (play/pause) and it would fire the sequencer on the Digitakt. Now, it won’t fire either the DT or the DN.

I have routed my studio many ways but making Traktor the master has been the best solution for tight MIDI clock. Must be some transport setting I have wrong on the DN Keys?

Right now the DN Keys will send transport to DT. No issue there. But still no transport from Traktor.

When you’re using overbridge, you don’t need to create an aggregate device. Overbridge will just handles the In-N-Out for you.
