Introducing Analog Four & Analog Rytm MKII

I don’t read anyone talking about the Quick Performance button and knob… is it me or that feature sounds a lot like a “Control All” ?!!

Of course not, and do not expect a reply on that.
Unless your question has been cherry picked by marketing there will be no reply from official channels. I wrote Elektron last week and have not received anything back. No reply not even confirmation.

I think Rytm MKI should already have got the sampling feature if it were supported on hardware level.

No trade in program


Elektron Greyjoy Trinity



OctatrackMK@ ))


Analog Reek


…there it is:


Unfortunately still crippled by disabling sequencer output in MIDI out :cry:


My 2cent:

At first my jaw dropped and I was thinking my 8 month old AR was suddenly obsolete… then I took a few min, settled down and realized I’m fine. I really wish there was a solid & easy solution for us PC users for sample transfer to the AR like there is with SDS drop on the Mac. If I had that, then I’d totally be happy and not even give the MKII a 2nd look for now. Maybe when I get a new iPad I can look into transferring that way? I don’t know how or if that works. I bought the DT for the just this reason (easy sampling and sample import), so I’m covered for now.

If I want to trade up, then I’ll just sell my MK1 and take the hit. There’s still going to be huge used market for them, but not at the recent inflated prices. It’ll just be like anything else, but I still think they’ll hold a decent value because they’re solid and incredibly usable machines in either version.

I’m glad Elektron is releasing new gear, though I wish it was spread out a bit over time and not so many releases so close together. There’s no reason this couldn’t have been spread out with one release every 60-90 days. Announce each at 60 day intervals with pre-order, then ship at 90. It has to be putting a big strain on such a small company and just feels rushed. I’ve been very patient in regards to the DT updates and bug fixes for now, but if those suffer due to new releases, then I’ll definitely think twice about further Elektron purchases in future.

The next 12 months will be a defining moment for Elektron in terms of how they handle all this and the overall quality (build + stability) of the releases and how quickly inevitable bugs are fixed. It could really damage them long term if not executed properly. Hoping for the best.

Does this leave us waiting for MonoMachine and Machine Drum next MKs? Or is Machine Drum taken over by Digitakt?

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They look really cool but way ay ay a a over my budget :slight_smile:
I really want a Digitakt but since this announcement I should probably wait a little and grab an OT mk1 for a neat price… tippy

AF mk1 selling cheap at retailers :wink:

If taken over, then by the Rytm. Digitakt is not a Drumsynth

Those machines were discontinued, I don’t think they will be back.

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One thing that puzzles me about the rytm mk II. Currently there is no way to back up your samples from it. So if the mk II adds sampling, surely there must be a way to back up these new samples?? It will be logistically quite painful otherwise, with only a 1GB plusdrive and all…

I think I’ll cancel my OT mk II preorder. I’ll keep on using my rytm mk I and expecting to get an A4 mk I next week. I need to see how these analog mk II’s roll out before even considering the upgrade. The new form factor is a major bummer tbh and seriously hurts the portability aspect, although ergonomically they are probably nicer to use, and the new form factor most likely helps with the ob circuitry etc

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Here’s the descriptor > Elektron Digitakt 8-voice Drum Computer and Sampler
It’s just people value and use it more for it’s sampler capabilities.

Was feeling the GAS hit pretty hard until I saw that they are wider. The thinness is super slick but I’m really happy with how the mk1 size boxes slot so well into a rollaboard bag. Hope the new aluminium chassis isn’t soft like iPads and OP-1’s though!

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Then my Monomachine is also a drum computer following this Elektron labeling logic :sweat_smile:

So we now have an 8 voice digital and analog drum computer and sampler. Though I wouldn’t call the DT a drum computer, it is sampler. The drum computer part to me means that drums being computed (synthesised).

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O.K now Elektron have put something worthwhile on the table. I’ve been pretty ‘meh’ so far about digitakt etc but will definitely get the new A4 and Rytm.

“Drum Computer” in marketing gimmick