Introducing Digitone

I never got into FM (maybe got turned away by the complexity/cheesy sounds so commonly used in pop music) - but I have to say I find some of the examples on Soundcloud to be really interesting and in my taste - some of them make me realize “oh, that kind of sound that I like is FM!”
I’ve recently got an A4 to match my Octatrack, wich I really like but I have a few struggles with it - I was used to sequence my Shruthi-1 wich, although it has digital oscillators - is much easier to create deep, clean bass tones without distortion or saturation (and yes - I know about osc volume levels, filter tracking, etc.)
on the other hand, 8 voices instead of 4 helps a lot - I struggle a bit with polyphony when I want to create different tracks for bass/lead/pad sounds, for example…
for now, I’m more than happy with my combo :slight_smile:
but I think this is a nice addition to the Elektron family, looking forward for more info/videos, etc!
also, I was expecting it - digital synth in Digitakt format :slight_smile:

Not really - the Reface line is their half-hearted attempt to compete with the Volcas and Boutiques.

And teal function labels, ooh la la… :joy:


you are right, but i was seeing the line more as a market experiment

This looks cool, but what got me most excited is the hope of being able to use the send effects on the inputs of the Digitakt as well, since it just makes sense to me… sorry, off topic :wink:

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Posted similar thoughts to @mat0322 in the NAMM thread. Knowing that it’s only 8 voices, it just seems like you’d have nearly the same flexibility with waveforms and samples on the DT, you’d just have to frustratingly map your chords out, note by note, track by track.

Which is annoying! But, to me, not ‘buy new machine’ annoying

Have to agree here. Struggling to see anything new.
If you owned no FM synths, and no sequencers, then it’s probably a good buy, but with this and the digitakt it does feel like elektron are going for a different market - more targeted at toe dipping surface dabblers as opposed to deep sea synth nerds.
Which is totally fair enough for them as a business, but yeah, was hoping for something deeper/unique - additive, granular etc.
Very happy to be proved wrong when more details/demos emerge.

Good point. Will watch with interest.


Uhm, yes I’d say you’re missing something here. How are you going to do FM synthesis with the Digitakt?

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Will be interesting to see how the sound locks work with FM drum sounds. 4 audio/4 midi should be enough.
Could do a whole lot with this and my Roland TM-2, or a Nord Drum if you have it.



Next up DigiWave, same machine but with wavetable synthesis. You read it here first. I expect at least another two machines in the same form factor before the year is out.


Well, you could use the lfo to modulate a single cycle waveform, and we’ll just call that FM-synthesis :wink:

I’m gassing hard… for a Monomachine.


Not sure I’m on board with this at £699 - I was hoping for multiple engines (MnM style) - but huge thumbs up for that video. Intentional or not, some of the cuts with Cenk were hilarious. Special mention to arm-on-the-ledge-Cenk and squatting-near-a-pool-Cenk!


Glorious, Gothenburg! Just killed Novation Peak GAS globally. Good news.

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Same here :slight_smile:

The ARPEGGIATOR menu controls the Sounds arpeggiator. The arpeggiator settings are part of the Sound
and saved together with the Sound. Press [FUNC] + [SYN1] to open the ARPEGGIATOR menu. Press
[TRACK 1–4] key to select the Sound whose arpeggiator are edited. Press [FUNC] + [TRACK NOTE] to
toggle the ARPEGGIATOR on and off.
9.5.1 MODE
Activates the arpeggiator and controls how the arpeggiated notes are sorted.
OFF deactivates the arpeggiator.
TRUE plays the notes in the same order as they are inserted.
UP plays the notes in ascending order, from the lowest note to the highest, on a per octave basis.
DOWN plays the notes in descending order, from the highest note to the lowest, on a per octave
CYCL plays the notes first in ascending order, then in descending order.
9.5.2 SPD
Speed sets the speed of the arpeggiator. It is synchronized to the BPM of the project. (1/1–1/96).
9.5.3 RNG
Range sets the octave range of the arpeggiator. After each completed arpeggiator cycle, the arpeggiated
notes are transposed one octave up. When the notes have reached the octave offset specified by the
RNG setting the notes are reset to their initial values. From there the octave transpose is started all over
9.5.4 LEN
Length controls the length of the arpeggiated notes.
Turn DATA ENTRY knob F to elect the length of the arpeggio. The max length is 16 sequencer steps.
9.7.6 OFFSET
Offset selects the offset (note) value of the chosen arpeggiator step in semi-tones. The offset is from the
original note trig. The TRK KEY SCALE and TRK KEY NOTE settings found in the NOTES SETUP menu
affects the note values of the arpeggiated notes.

  1. Press [LEFT] or [RIGHT] to select which arpeggiator step to offset.
  2. Use DATA ENTRY knob E to set the offset.
  3. Press [DOWN] to deacivate an arpeggiator step. Press [UP] to activate an arpeggiator step that
    has been deactivated.

Could well be the case, as Yamaha seems to have conceded the market to Korg and Roland, preferring to focus on their high-end customer base - the peeps who buy Montage, Tyros 5 (and its successor), Electones…

Not sure whether you realise but the Digitakt is only a mono sampler
Has absolutely nothing in common with an FM synthesiser

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I have been waiting for a product like this from you guys since you retired the MonoMachine. Thanks for reading my mind.

Now, if you had put analog filters in it I would love you even more but I imagine that would jack the price at. As it stands you certainly have my purchase.