Introducing Song Mode on Digitakt, Syntakt, Digitone & Digitone Keys


Sorry for off topic, had to respond…

I hope it was a joke. Not to me !
Yes, I agree, DT would really need updates to compete with OT.

DT has a flattering eq, and considering OT, most of people can’t make the difference between an original sample, and one recorded with OT. Just a few specs :

DT (per project) :
Mono samples
33 sec max recording (mono)
RAM 64MB (around 14mn mono)
128 slots

OT (per project):
Stereo or mono

128 FLEX slots (RAM 85.5 MB)
8m28s max playback in stereo, twice in mono)
8m28s max recording (stereo only)
8 recorders you can sequence with trigs, play their buffer on the fly on any step of any track

128 STATIC slots (CF Card, 64 GB max)
CF CARD streaming : up to 2GB files (3h30m per track, so up to 64GB in a project)

Slices : access to 128x2x64 = 16384 different sounds per project

And you’re saying DT is more production oriented ? :content:


I support this notion.

Here’s a possible (potentially more expressive) “workaround” that just occurred to me: Use a Touché controller mapping one of the parameter controls to pitch bend. Touché would be more easily controlled than the standard PB wheel on the average keyboard as far as I can tell in this use case. My experience and training with Turkish makam involves having a dynamic control over fine pitch nuance that changes depending on whether the melody is ascending or descending and where the melody is at in the arc of the whole composition. So just static fine pitch designation within the digis’ scale feature may not be enough control for some players of these styles, but would be a good start.

Edit: After having a play with the new scales/fold on the DT, I can see it will be great for jamming/improv and composition, but I’d personally leave expressive electronic microtonality to instruments more suited. Especially the continuum, soundplane, linnstrument, etc. Very cool new functions though, and I’m LOVING my beginning experiences with the DT. So different to the OT, but kindred spirit for sure. Made me smile to see the West Asian drum hits in the factory content.

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Not possible, but would be great

They are both different things. I have read this opinion somewhere on the internet and I kind of agree with it. It’s about preference so in my case I think I will do more with DT. Octa mk2 is hissy on the inputs, no? It’s of older sum of its parts. What I think is a strong point on DT is that it seems it has “less” to work with but if you are creative enough then it can take you somewhere else. Also it gets you working faster and more immediate? Most people seem to get a better hang of it. That’s my experience getting one of the Digis out of the box. Something like patches I was never able to do within minutes. With a sound that I can vouch for. According to some examples I heard so far. ST has absolutely good drums that breathe. A4 mk2 was the same surprise even though my unit has some wrong button graphics. It’s fairly cosmetic so w/e. I think you could possibly have 33 sec. synth loops per track on the DT? Mono is no issue. There is delay, pan and stereo output. The screen is much better and I really like its sound. Graphics are also quite better. I like the direction on ST with the little aliens and such. Most people probably can’t hear it but I guess I could. I am really enjoying the clarity of sound in the A4 mk2, ST (which has very flexible, yet pristine/clean sounding processing) and also DN for ambient textures or landscapes. Even tweaking couple parameters in some presets creates completely new sounds I never heard before on classics. DN to me seems like it has less headroom and is overall more dirty but maybe I am gain staging it wrong or my unit is faulty? I can hear more presence and headroom from headphone out on A4 mk2 and ST.

That being said you are right that Octa has much more features, more memory, lo-fi fx, stereo sampling and more. It’s like a more advanced tape cassette recording hub. Less is sometimes more.

To each his own.



Mine hisses if i play a hissing sample.


Now we have song mode.

Thats really great!

Now give us a new box where you can make modular synth on your computer like nord modular, thxbye, love!

Good to know. Maybe I’ll go mk2 down the line. :-). :-).

For immediacy I think ST suits me the best ! Btw I experimented song mode with 2 steps patterns chained in order to make a 2 bar song. That way you can record Control All ! :loopy:

Yes, totally agree !

33 sec is not enough to record a jam (in mono)

Totally disagree. You can remix your tracks in stereo with OT.

The sound of the screen ? :content:
Yes, I much prefer ST screen and graphics. If I keep ST and OT, I’ll see what last, my OT MKI is around 10 yo.

Yes, that’s the most interesting thing for me, and I’d rather say mega crazy advanced recorder on steroids. :wink:
(OT can also use audio feedback, with endless pitch, near to freeze/granular timestretch, which is very important for me to mangle incoming audio in realtime)

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No sure if it was mentioned, it’s possible to record pattern mutes while in song mode, but, I couldn’t find a way to undo it.
I saved the song, loaded it, no chance.
Buggy or unfinished ?


Is it possible to live record them? I was only aware of the ability to toggle them in the song menu thingy.

Yes, when you toggle the pattern mutes when the song is playing it saves that state

@sezare56 it doesn’t seem there’s a temp area type implementation or load from save, hope it’s in an update. Global mutes seem to work as an added layer of mute for performance, but I found using it that way pretty difficult.

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Hey everyone, I’ve noticed when I have most of the tracks muted (say for a breakdown), I get a lot of pop/background clicks from tracks that are muted…

Is anyone else having this issue, it’s not great

Which device?

Digitakt, it’s coming through (loud!) when all tracks are muted… can I revert back to the latest 1.3? I have attached an example here, iPhone voice memo close to headphones. Coming from both headphones jack and little quieter in L + R outputs

Is it related to the power at my house? Seems odd, never had this issue before

Only seems to be happening on the track that I was working with song mode on, testing a different project/pattern without song mode and I don’t hear it

See my thread here working through the issue:

Seems related to your…METRONOME ! :rofl:
Or your power house is set to 120 bpm 4/4, controlled by DT. :wink:


Just mute the metronome…,🤷🏽

“Recording” Control All with song mode…

I prepared a song with patterns 1-16, each one being 2 step long.
Live rec of default sounds, poor playing, but nevermind with Control All !