Introducing Song Mode on Digitakt, Syntakt, Digitone & Digitone Keys

Great update, not really relevant for my worfklow.
portamento is nice.
was hoping for a compressor on syntakt though.
and can you now connect two mono sources to the inputs on syntakt and control volumes in mixer separately?

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Holy crap. Does the USB out for the digital tracks on the ST mean that you could potentially have 2 different stereo outputs? Like T1-T8 via USB into a computer/interface and T9-T12 out the stereo audio into something else?

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Hold the buttons to enter chromatic and behold


It’s a business, they didn’t do it “to do us a favour” or out of kindness. Thus, I don’t get why people should be “grateful”.

With that said, I myself prefer to buy a device once it has all the features I really want and then any new updates are just bonuses. That may thus now be enough to convince me to get a Syntakt!


Portamento on ST… that’s great !

Now do it on the DTakt too.


When the video of the song mode feature dropped on YouTube I had to triplecheck the date and the YouTube channel to make sure that it wasn’t some kind of deepfake prank; that’s how unlikely I thought that song mode was going to be a reality on the digi boxes. I’ve been in camp direct jump myself, but I’m definitely going to try this out and might even come to like it.

So cudos to Elektron for chaning things up!


I sold mine ages ago due to the abhorrent lack of song mode, so I have to buy a new one…


I never expected these updates, but it does feel like I have a brand new Digitakt and Syntakt today! Yaaay!


I’m applying a kind of social engineering here. By encouraging Elektron by saying thanks when they drop features like this, thereby shifting their movitation to instrinsic (doing it for themselves) rather than extrinsic (doing it for the money), I hope that they will continue to update the boxes even when it’s not exonomically feasible to do so :slight_smile:


Yeah, there are many possible routes to profitability. I’m happy that :3lektron: has chosen this one, it speaks to their engagement with the community.


Just had a quick test because it was my initial question too. It seem to work quite nicely.
The master device sends pattern change equalfrom the settings in the song mode on that device.
If you use both on song mode they run synced but with their own songsstructure (creative but quite a hassle and should be carried out sober for sure)


as if ! … there’s present discontent … but that’s well and truly drowned out today, basically just a negligible noise floor

a patient, positive, understanding and rational outlook go a long way and make the news we get a bonus each and every time (it also helps when you get a glimpse of how hard these folks at Elektron work on this stuff) … entitlement just breeds dissatisfaction and disrespect and drama that we shouldn’t need to spell out is not welcome today, like the proverbial guff in a spacesuit.

This is a huge update, these are a huge collective update and a lot of people delivering this deserve all the healthy and positive feedback shown above

I really thought there would be no cynicism today - anyway, the good vibes prevail

This is a killer update and i am a song mode convert - SO creative, i went from reluctant tester to total advocate … this is a powerful implementation, kudos :3lektron: and all the testers


Just coming to say WOW and go back cooking a dinner. Not so much for the songmode but scales on the digi is a blessing. Thank you Elektron <3

Thanks :3lektron:!!! An already great device has become even better today :grinning:

OH MY BUDA !! :exploding_head:
I am in love of thoses new features, so many times waiting for it, now it’s Christmas :partying_face:
Huge thank you to Elektron team !

Only on one Machine, the others will follow with Program Changes.


yep - especially when you have a number of re-occurring patterns in various rows - live record in one row is auto populating another - instant way to create fractured cohesive rhythms, it’s a hoot for composition and it even plays neatly when you think that Kits are off the menu - those sound schism jumps fall more interestingly when you work with fragments of patterns … it’s a pity we can’t shift the start step - but as it is it’s a wonderful new way to get creative (and also does the other stuff people want song mode for)


I imagine it’s not just a business, these improvements were not promised for purchase, very much in demand, they could have not existed or could have been paid for…
They are not, a few grams of recognition will not kill me, I give them with pleasure.


4-step patterns with 4 variations of shifted steps, songmode that shit :smiley:


oh my god

Yep, I feel the same… for my type of music (hypnotic) I would need to be able keep the parameters the same when switching patterns for sequencing patterns to be useful a lot of the time.

Great that song mode was added for those who will use it though! I can see how automating mutes could be useful for my style of music but may be more hassle than just playing it all live…