[iOS] Tensor - Kit & Pattern Randomizer for the Model line

If you’re using the M:S and are using a Track Sample meant to be a drum / quick hit, make sure you toggle One-Shot for that Track…this will help with the Randomization!

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I’m an idiot and need a video tut. Anything anywhere?

Honestly i’m an idiot as well. I just took one of my existing patterns, plugged samples into ipad-Opened up Tensor- set midi to “samples”- pressed “get ptn” - pressed play on the samples and then just went wild pressing all the controls! (Undo is your friend)

It is so fun just using it! I will work out how to use it properly eventually!


Oh, yeah the Apple boys, forgot they might have changed the game that much.
Mmmmmm. Fffffff…

Be happy when it’s live for you :heart::+1:

No video tutorial, the app just sends MIDI CC and Sysex. The Help Menu in the upper right should explain most functions and the required settings on your M:S / M:C. Don’t get overwhelmed by the amount of things on screen, it’s broken up as follows:

Top Left: Parameter Control & Pattern Generation (switch between these w/ the dots on top)
Top Right: Kit Creation & Sound Design
Middle: 16 Kit Snapshots
Bottom: Mixer

Let me know if you have any specific questions.


Update Out:

  • Added a Parameter Pop-Up which shows the values of touched Parameters / Incoming CC’s
  • Improved MFX Randomization
  • Improved Snap Kit for the M:S
  • Fixed: Received Pattern Notes / Velocity / Length were not decoded properly
  • Added more functions to the Advanced Pattern Options
  • Improved UI across all iPad sizes

Thanks! Good stuff so far. Having a lot of fun with it. Great to get some ideas and see random examples of how weird Cycles can get.

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Update Out:

  • Bug fixes for Dub and Hip-Hop Patterns
  • Improved Chaos Pattern
  • Improved Humanization
  • Improved Snap, Bass & Air Kits for the M:S
  • Improved Tighten function for the M:S
  • Improved Darken function for the M:S
  • Improved Depth Up / Down functions
  • Improved Delay Time Randomization
  • Improved Retrig Randomization
  • Added Volume + Dist to Mixer Randomization, Morph & Reset

does this also load and save projects, and do project management?

this is really sweet! just trying it out for the first time! this will be very helpful, i’m already making music primarily on my ipad any way.

i can’t seem to get the pitch slider to make any changes and when i hit send pattern after selecting a preset, no pattern appears on my m:s , could it be one of my midi settings?

  1. Are other sliders working correctly?
  2. Patterns are large sysex, how are you connecting the iPad to the M:S? Do you receive the Pattern / Kit if you hit GET KIT / GET PTN? Patterns are large and take around 6 seconds to be processed by the M:S
  3. Make sure you look at the Help Menu in the upper right and have those settings set on the M:S

No, this is just a creative tool at the moment

yes all the other sliders appear to be functional just pitch that i can tell. when i have a sequence running the chance, swing , delay , vol dist all are good!
i have the usb connected to the m:s from the apple cck, the get and send parameters are not communicating either way from or to the m:s
perhaps it does not send over usb?
i don’t have a midi interface but if i need one i’ll grab one, def could use it anyway lol

No, it should work from the iPad directly to the M:S using the Camera Kit…it does over here…In the MIDI upper left menu, you have the M:S selected in the MIDI IN and MIDI OUT Ports? Are your channels correct? When you move a knob on the M:S does the app show the slider move? What OS of the M:S are you on?

It doesn’t really make sense that Vol Dist would work and not Pitch, as it’s just a CC message :\

i dont know what, but i must have something set up wrong on my m:s in the midi settings, i’ll keep looking around and trying stuff…
i do not see tensor reacting to knob adjustments from the m:s but they are def sending to the m:s
and use it is strange that the pitch is the only thing that appers to be not working… the m:s knob is working internally

i do have the in and out ports highlighted… do i need to do anything else to let tensor know it’s the ms not the mc?

Make sure your encoders are set to INT + EXT, and that when you hit Function + Track, every Track has MOUT checked.


all good now, i think it was set to midi pass thru… my friend was jamming on it eariler and messed with things i guess… i’ve never pass thru on the m:s
thank you!

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Update Out:

  • Added Dual Pattern
  • Improved Repeat Pattern
  • Added Force PTN Mode & Force Length to the Pattern Advanced Options
  • Various Randomization improvements

The Dual Pattern will superimpose two Patterns on top of each other, making the Trigs from the first Pattern FILL / 1:2, and the Trigs from the 2nd Pattern !Fill / 2:2


Update Out:

  • Added 808 Sound Type for the M:C (meant to be used with ALL enabled)
  • Added Dynamics sound design function for the M:C
  • Added Velocity & Velocity Mod Sliders
  • Fixed encoding / decoding of LFO Depth and Velocity Mod Depth
  • Various optimizations & improvements

As an owner on both the M:S and M:C, it’s looking more and more likely that between this and Drambo, I will have to buy an iPad.