iPad + ADAT interface + Expert Sleepers

MOTUs are usually DC coupled: the 828 Series is, the Ms are, and the Mk5 Ultralight is. With a DC coupled interface, you can just plug CV in directly. You don’t need an ES breakout unless you want to get even more I/O via the ADAT interface.

Correction: Only output is DC coupled according to @phaelam (below).

ah… i thought the second it was unplugged the IO disappeared and the memory was lost. thanks!

I have the same units. Occasionally they will revert back to master and I have to set them to slave again. The other workaround ive done is to keep the miniDSP as the master and make the motu the adat slave. One you put your desired firmware on it, that will stay. You dont need to load it every time, only when u want to change the I/O configuration.

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DC out only

adding: get an ES-9 and you have DC in/out, as well as audio

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