iPad app Bleass Omega vs Digitone

Anyone tried both? Never used a digitone myself. I have a digitakt, but like a polyfonic synth next to it. Spec wise they have quite some similarities. Wondering if it is similar sound wise / sound design wise?

IMO pure digital FM synthesis should be quite similar for many FM synthesizers. It’s software (algorithmic) after all … :wink:

Differences for sound-design are, if there are

  • different number of operators
  • different algorithms for the operators,
  • different waveshapes for the oscillators (operators),
  • some have no filters - some have,
  • some have FX - some not
  • different envelopes and modulation sources/destinations.
  • different quality of D/A converters

AFAIK the Bleass Omega does not provide an Elektron-like sequencer and this might be the most important difference. Tweaking an Elektron-Instrument with all those options and the easyness of use, will inspire much more and different uses of a sound engine if compared with other solutions.

Bleass with the Drambo app provides an awesome synth with elektron like sequencer


I had thought about this question before so I came up with a solution that works well for me. I have a DigiKeys which sounds great, and I use the 4 midi tracks to control Omega making my DTK an 8 track FM synth (using AUM and multiple instances of Omega or other soft synths). I already had the I-device though so that was an easier choice.

Because I already have a digitakt, I have the elektron workflow. If I connect the iPad to the digitakt via usb, I can sequence it with the DT and get the sound back in to the DT. a bit similar as connecting a Digitone and sequence it with the DT. I am just wondering if they sound alike cause they both are a combination of fm and filters and waveshaping. Looking mostly for ambient drones and leads. I will try it with Drambo (bought long ago but not used it much cause I have a DT). Thanks for your replies.

FM is strong to generate quite complex sound-shapes but for ambient drones and leads I would prefer something more polyphonic “east-coast” or wavetables …

honestly omega is gonna fit the bill for this.
my favorite ios synth at the moment. setting up a patch is a bit like using ableton’s operator, dead simple yet effective. waveshaper sounds nice, filter and fx are okay, the motion sequencer has some nice tricks up its sleeve. i’ve been looking for something to replace ableton’s operator with on ios for a few years now and bleass finally nailed it imo.

it’s not gonna sound 100% like the digitone (or operator) because it’s missing the “harmonics” feature for each operator’s waveform (and because the filter and fx aren’t the same etc etc) but i don’t see that as a problem at all

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