iPad Worth Buying for a Music Production Tool?

It’s amazing and had another update today. The developer is constantly improving it

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I’ve been down the rabbit hole and in a lengthy discussion with the AUM developer about adding midi feedback to AUM. He doesn’t have a controller at the moment but is looking to implement HUI.

It’s up to the developer to support it on a per plugin basis.
If you twister remembers VALUES between banks, then the twister is remembering them, it’s not getting them from the iPad.

This is not a bad space to be in

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I usually do quick-n-dirty masters on my laptop with Ozone, but I’ve never been satisfied with how Ozone handles sub-bass, and I don’t have the time to process individual stems, so lately I’ve been throwing my stereo mixdown into AUM and adding a Fabfilter Pro-L2, and man that limiter is soooo transparent. It’s too easy.

I did, indeed, make the MonoTrack! I’ve updated it a bit since then but haven’t uploaded it. If you find your samples are sounding odd, remove the pitch shifter module from the sampler part. It kinda sucks anyway.

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I updated the Monotrack this morning. Removed the pitch shifter as it kind of sucks, added a dirt module, moved a few things around. Let me know what you think.


I’d like to give a try to Drambo but found it really not intuitive.

I could not use patch from Patchstorage. Any « how to »?

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I’m using Chrome on my iPad, so some of these directions may not work for you.

  1. Download patch from PS.
  2. Click “open in” and choose Drambo.
  3. Drambo should ask you where to save it. I have a folder called OPP for other people’s patches.
  4. Open Drambo, load an Instrument Rack and choose the MonoTrack preset. Then load in whatever samples or loops you’ve got and have at it!

Are you attempting to open a whole Project, or an Instrument Rack?

For Project, select Open from the top left menu and then navigate to the folder to which you downloaded the Project.

For Instrument Rack, press the + sign to the right of the default Midi to CV module, select Generator in the left Menu list, press the menu to the right of Instrument Rack - this takes you to import options - navigate to where you saved the Instrument Rack.

I reckon Drambo-specific posts should go in this thread


Apple Files app seems to have issues when attempting to manage sample libraries/expansions on external USB disks.

I downloaded and unzipped several Akai expansions and successfully transferred them to a USB disk using Files app. They worked fine in the Akai sampler. Then I deleted the files from Files app. Later when mounting the USB disk, certain files (ie files used for Akai expansions like xpm, json, and xml) disappeared from the USB disk, but the wav files remained.

Weird. May have something to do with copying versus moving, and how iPadOS manages duplicates to save space. Buggy and not good.

My favorite iOS groove things are now Drambo and Grooverider.

Now playing around with using an Akai MPD226 that I recently picked up to control these apps. REALLY promising.

This is definitely having a positive effect on my hardware GAS to have these alternative tools and workflows to explore. That the Akai controller is reusable across multiple applications and works without a secondary power supply when plugged into the iPad camera adapter is a nice cherry on top. I’m excited to be building out some custom Akai presets for GR and Drambo, to get that “hardware” feel while manipulating these apps.

I’d love it if, in a future release, Drambo gets real-time cued project loading/switching while playing. As an alternative, maybe an expansion of the per-project pattern count to at least 128, accessible via some sort of grid.

EDIT: Never mind on the pattern count thing. Looks like in Drambo you can create as many patterns per project as you want, at least as far as I had the patience to test this. It doesn’t matter if they’re accessed through linear side-to-side scrolling so much if I map my Akai controller pads to do pattern selection on a bank or two. Looks like if I design my “perfect” (per genre) groovebox properly in Drambo, I can treat projects like Elektron projects and have entire long sets worth of patterns in each one. Cool!

Drambo is an amazing piece of kit.

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My usb-c dongle arrived. It allows full ipad pro charging while plugged in. I then plugged a very old usb hub into the dongle and it worked fine. My motu828es hasn’t arrived so I hooked up a presonus audiobox and there were no issues. AUM and every other app instantly recognizes it and AUM immediately routed audio to it.

To my amazement someone has created an iPad patch editor for my Alesis Andromeda A6. It allows customization of every parameter via SYSEX and it worked on the first try. 20 years ago when I bought this synth the iPhone 1 didn’t even exist. Now this ancient piece of gear is being patched via an iPad. Unbelievable really.

Tapping on glass, even with the pencil 2.0, I’m not sure the iPad could be the center of my studio. But I can definitely see it having a place. In terms of utility, an effects bay, custom/unique apps, recording, it has an enormous amount of potential.

He has one now. So I guess it’s a matter of when not if. :slight_smile:

But I wasn’t expecting there to be just 1 person behind AUM.
This guy deserves so much glory and more funding!

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got an iPad a few days ago, and here are my 1st impressions.
i’m just excited.
never clicked with music production on a computer – but instantly clicked with iPad.

it already has become my favorite sketching tool now, because it’s a thing than always resides in a backpack, and always is instantly ready to rock (unlike a laptop). actually, such configuration as Drambo with one Groove Rider instance and two Pure Acid instances satisfies all my sketching needs sound-wise, and various modulation/sequencing stuff satisfies the rest.

and with some effort, it’s going to become a fallback machine for gigs, in case of some real gear fail – for the same reason: it’s always at hand.

also, what i love in particular are app prices. there is a lot of cool stuff – and it’s inexpensive! (so i spent much more than planned, but since i’m new to iOS world, and apps are fun, i think it’s totally OK).

the bottom line: definitely worth it.


I bought an iPad just so I could load it up with granular apps and watch Star Trek before bed and have found it totally worth it.

Just for Drambo i think its worth it IMO !

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Just one issue for me is the lack of headphone jack. It reduces the portability factor if one needs to carry an audio interface. I know I could buy an usb c to jack adaptor but it should have stayed…

I’ve been using this dongle to get power to the iPad and audio out to my sampler:


Yeah I don’t like laptops but the iPad feels like a halfway between computer and hardware. Not having to connect anything to noodle gives it such usefulness!

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mine (9th gen) has one.
anyway, i rather use bluetooth phones on the go.