Is it normal to prefer other’s work over my own?

It’s an interesting concept to try and quantify ones quality when it comes to something creative.

My background in live bands always left my artistic itch unscratched. It wasn’t until I started working by myself on my own music that I understood that I wasn’t striving for greatness of quality. I was looking for a path towards realizing my own expression. I feel that this is ultimately an unobtainable but worthy goal.

Art created with this intent will be good. Whether that means there is a wide appeal for it or not is something else entirely.


I usually feel two different ways after finishing a track: 1. This is great, listening to it on repeat, then it wears off a bit… yeah still a nice track. or 2. Damn it… this is the best I could do, then later after friends give it some love I realize its value and appreciate it.

There’s definitely a reason mixing and mastering your own music is hard… you’re so emotionally invested in showing off that sick arpeggio you spent all night perfecting… even though it should sit in the mix 10db lower lol



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I fully agree, I think there is something pure that resonates within the creation coming from someone who is trying to express expression. It feels genuine and that shines through. Someone else mentioned the Room here and I think that this applies to that movie. It’s bad, but it’s genuine and that shines through…

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I do a lot of drawing work as I’m an illustrator. I learned early on from an older and more experienced colleague to take my drawing and watch it through the mirror to see it as a stranger would see it. It works extremely well. It alienates you from your role as the creator of the piece of art and let’s you see it through a pair of ”fresh eyes”.

I wonder what would allow a musician to do the same?

I often dream of getting a selective brain wash to get to experience my favourite artworks fresh again. Imagine getting the same rush again as you did when you heard your favourite album for the first time. I’d pay for that.


Only leaving enough time in between creating a piece and listening back to it will work.


Very true. Ive noticed this with oil painting. I look at my old work and think did i really paint that. Maybe there should be a a caveat in my title. That during the creative process and finish i cant stand to hear/look at my work. Time is a great healer :slight_smile:


hahahahaha so true

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