Is it ok to use Cycles with an extension cord and/or powerboard?


I haven’t owned any electric music hardware for a very long time. I recently bought a Circuit Tracks, Microfreak and Model:Cycles. The Microfreak manual is warning me to only plug into a wall socket. What, no extension cords or powerboards? (The phone charger thing is a different issue I’d like to explore after I sort out my at-home setup).

I don’t have a lot of wall sockets in my “studio”.

a) Is this a Microfreak only thing or should I be plugging the Tracks and the Cycles into the wall as well (when not being mobile)?

b) Is the Microfreak warning itself really justified or just a “better to be safe than sorry” ploy from Arturia?

c) Does the answer depend on length of extension cord and the number of instruments plugged into the board? If so what are the limits?

d) What bad things could happen if I just went ahead and used extension cords and powerboards?

e) On a related matter: is it safe to leave an instrument plugged into a wall when not in use and powered down. Should it be switched off at the wall or even have the plug pulled out (lightning storms not included)?

Cheers! (First post).

What is the exact phrasing in the manual? You should be fine as long as you’re using a decent quality surge protected powerboard.

That’s not what the manual says. Go back and read the manual carefully.

A specific thing to remember about the MF is the keyboard senses your touch capacitively, and requires good ground to operate well.

I do think they are very careful to explain things that could cause injury, so as to keep users safe. For example in the front on page 4 they carefully explain the danger of hearing loss.

The manual says “The use of an extension cord is not recommended”, however, that comes straight after discussing trip hazards.

Manual also says “if you must use one, make sure that the cord has the ability to handle the maximum current needed by this product. Please consult a local electrician for more information on your power requirements”.

So as long as I use a surge-protected cord and/or powerboard everything should be okei…as long as I don’t trip over it and break my kaula, correct?

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Works just fine for me with a super-basic extension (no surge etc)
also works fine with a basic power-brick or usb charger or computer feed

the issue as pointed out is that the touch bend may be a bit erratic if the device isn’t grounded iirc - however, for most noodling i’ve done i haven’t been bothered - i use the actual psu mostly and never at the wall

I don’t think I’ve ever plugged any of my gear directly into a wall outlet.

In fact, a friend once brought his Microfreak around and it was fine plugged into the powerboard that all of my other synths are plugged into.