Is it possible to design an LFO that doesn't return to zero?

I want an LFO that’s like the preset SAW waveform but that starts from 0 and ends at 127 (preset goes from -127 to +127).

I’ve created one in LFO designer, just a straight line from 0 to 127 but when using this with the ONE trig mode it returns to zero at the end, whereas the SAW wave stays at the max level.

Is there any way to create this type of waveform or get the SAW wave to start from zero? The only workaround I can think of is to reduce the value on the trig but that’s a bit of a pain for what I want to use it for.

There might be a better way to do it but you could use another LFO with a square wave to turn the speed of your ramp LFO to zero. So you get a trig, wich starts both LFOs, then after a little while the square wave LFO goes high, stopping the saw LFO.

Thanks, I’ll give that a go. I’m using it to bend pitches so it might be a bit tricky to stop it at the exact value but I could change the LFO shape to stay at max for a while then this could work ok.

Starting from 0, adding +12 from Pitch 0, staying at +12.

Set depth 120 for 2 octaves.


Nice, I use that method all the time on the digis, but I couldn’t remember if the octatrack had the ramp wave with the ability to do just half of the waveform.


I think I noticed a different behavior with Digis, with one or one half and saw…

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Thanks, exactly what I was after!