I was cranking up the lfo to the max and set the destination to the mix but it goes out of tune i can manual dial the speed to make it sound in key i just wondered if it was possible to sync the speed to be in key on the note im playing?
on a side not so to speak this thing sounds amazing i didn’t realise FM could sound not FM so easily
the tune fork multipliers will sync the speed to the note you are playing, LFO1 will sync to OSC1 and LFO2 will sync to OSC2. Apart from that you can “fine tune” it with the speed parameter. Multiples of 16 will get you the “most tuned” results (32 I’d say it’s the prettiest setting), all other settings in between will introduce some movement
You probably want to post this in the Digitone forum, this sub-forum is for the Analog Four.
I do not believe that the Digitone has access to the tuning fork speeds that the Analog Four does, which is a shame. I think it only has BPM locked and absolute time locked.