Is M:S abandonware?

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Just power it with a powerbank!

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Iā€™m very mad

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The battery port works perfectly.

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People just want to gripe, they donā€™t want their problems to go away, hence trolling.

I reckon they made the pads so hard to account for all the rage drumming from disgruntled owners.


"Unfortunately, we had to recall the BP-1 power handle. Under certain circumstances, the Power Handle BP-1 can cause a short circuit, potentially posing a burn and/or fire hazard to consumers. You can read more about it here: and here:

I canā€™t recommend powering it with anything else except the original power supply. PSU-4/b.

Best regards,

I trust the official Elektron support on that one. It does probably work fine, but I am not sure the insurance of the product will be valid if I use a 3rd party power battery and a 3rd party cable.

If the battery port was defective the entire product would be recalled for safety reasons. There is no wiggle room there, synth manufacturers do not provide warrantied recommendations for any and every alternate power source.

One accessory was not financially viable to redesign. Thatā€™s the extent of it.

There have been no customer complaints from using it so portably in the history of the product (beyond specific cables failing and the initial accessory being recalled ), there is no need to invent new complaints that have not been reported, seen in the design, or that the manufacturer is concerned with.

Thereā€™s more than enough disappointment out there in the world, Iā€™m very happy to bring my M:C with me around the world, taking it to the park and sequencing in the sun with ducks milling around me.

Opinions and experience are one thing, if youā€™re disappointed thatā€™s fine!

Saying that the device ā€œcanā€™t be portableā€ is contrary to the basic lives experience that most heavy users have. I cant think of a better device for a portable gig! Iā€™d be afraid of my Pocket Operators getting smashed, I suppose i could check out a M8 butā€¦

Again, disappointment is not something iā€™m here to argue with, and i have a few gripes that i would like to see resolved and will be emailing about one now that iā€™m reminded.

But speaking overbroadly and making declarative statements about how everyone sees this as a un-useable failure, how nobody can use it portably, how itā€™s a stain on Elektronā€™s record, how the ā€œbuild qualityā€ is poor because a button panel on launch needed to be replaced, thatā€™s unnecessary drama.


It is nice of you to share your experience of portable M:C.
I, for myself, will stick to the official answer and not try my luck with 3rd party solutions. But it is nice to know it can work with ā€œDIYā€ battery+cable combo.

(I do not believe customers would be in their right to complain about using it portably with a 3rd party battery if Elektron stated that only the Power Handle was officially supported with the instrument anyways.)

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Sure, I am not telling you how you feel most comfortable. I would suggest you look into what the defect was though, it was not with the port itself!

Prior to the handleā€™s initial release, users had been using batteries with the devices and have still observed no, and while even quality dc-ac cables may fail out (Iā€™ve had to replace one 5v) so long as youā€™re using the exact voltage required this is not a likely risk of damaging your device.

Manufacturers of embedded computing devices are rarely going to suggest a broader set of power adapters because thereā€™s just so many crapware PSU makers in a time of Amazon, they cannot broadly suggest what they havenā€™t certified for that reason.

Itā€™s a lot easier to more broadly endorse ā€œ9v center negativeā€ adapters when you are talking about analog devices that will get noisy at worst.

But again, there is what someone is most comfortable and wants official confirmation for (oneā€™s own discretion) and thereā€™s declaratory statements about failure and speaking for the masses somehow which isnā€™t reflected here among a subset of Elektron power users or the broad internet. The latter is where things can go off the deep end.


As a recent purchaser of a Model Cycles I agree with this summary.

It feels like a complete device and there isnā€™t much incentive to do more firmware updates when itā€™s only going to eat into Syntakt or Digitakt sales to do so.

I do think itā€™s reasonably likely and sensible that they might do an updated version with better pads and the power handle ports removed (and perhaps a built in rechargeable) maybe with a slightly better screen etc as a version 2 hardware revision. This would be similar to what they have done with the V2s of the big units as I understand it.

I donā€™t eat by elektron so I need an update :crazy_face:

I really love the screen, I do not really see why and how it could improve. Even the tiny animations are very well made and add to the charm of it all. It is also discrete enough that you forget about it when you are in the groove which is a huge plus for me. What exactly would you change about it?

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TBH itā€™s fine, but people often complain itā€™s too small (or thatā€™s what Iā€™ve seen) so making it a little bigger, or higher contrast would probably make sense. I mention it because itā€™s what they did with some other devices as I understand it and screen tech moves on all the time so they could probably move up to something better at minimal cost to the BoM.

Geez. Iā€™ve had one for years and like it just fine. I knew what it was capable of when I bought it. I never buy gear hoping itā€™ll do more in a future update (unless the company has made promises, but even thenā€¦).

It is a fun standalone device. It is one of the few pieces of gear I have kept in my now minimal setup. It is great for mangling things live and recording that sample for use elsewhere.


I did try.


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It is unsurprising that there is not just one single reason why people form support groups in communities, sometimes to identify and resolve problems, others just to seethe and feel release in emotional resonation.

I do understand the latter, I just wish we had more of the former sometimes :wink:


Wouldnā€™t it be cool if this thread was abandonware?


Too soon Finn, Iā€™m still too upset


Indeed. To me they feel very rounded and complete, which I understand as something very different than abondoned and left for death. They might have some lesser points like the handle that didnā€™t pan out and the hard velocity-responsive buttons, but thatā€™s just some downsides like many products have some, nothing that would warrant the ā€œabandonwareā€ label.