Is my Digitone dying?

Working on my set tonight. Copy and paste something while the DN is running. DN freezes and glitches. Takes a bit to turn back on. The video shows my concerns. Thank you in advance. If this dies, I’m gonna have a baaaaaaaad time.

Also, can anyone check the test mode and see if they get the same behavior?

Check your power supply, make sure you’re using the right one.

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Using multiple PSU, same behavior. I did watch a few videos and noticed that the buttons light up when they turn it on, but the colors are different.

lights flash on mine when i turn it on.
though my unit flashes all lights.

if you have a spare psu with same output and polarity, try it out.
i also suggest backing up your projects via transfer.

P.S. yes glowing blue and T4 cyan is sus.

EDIT: i see that you have tried multiple PSUs.

Save and export your set.

Then contact Elektron. Problem could be anything from dust accumulation to weird software bugs to actual faults in the circuitry. You can probably DIY the first one, software updates are easy once the new code has been pushed and faults may or may not be covered under warranty.

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just checked, same for my DN, and it works fine.

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Power is always #1 (but it seems like you’ve tried that).

Have you tried re-installing the most recent firmware?

If it’s not power related it seems like it could be software related.

Feels like a dying capacitor

Lights flashing on startup is normal.

However, powering it on and off like that is not recommended. I think it’s in the manual, to lazy to look. You are supposed to give the digis 20-30 seconds between power cycles. Powering off, then back on too quickly can introduce issues.

Hope you get it sorted and good luck with the gig!


Awesome. So I think the consensus is that I’m all good. I put in a support ticket to double check, and I have everything backed up.

Thanks, y’all!

Your digitone seems completely normal to me, the lights are lit the normal way, the test mode react as expected. Nothing wrong…
Concerning the freezing thing, any weird midi loop that could have happened?

It might just be time to let it go. Maybe it’ll be reincarnated as a Volca FM?


It happens sometimes when the machine is doing a lot. I was probably sending out multiple midi channels, running all the audio tracks, tweaking shit, and pasting a pattern. Haha.