Is My OT broken?

Hi, tonight I’ve noticed the lights on my OT blinking rapidly in a way I haven’t seen before.

Also the lights of the trigs randomly light on or off.

It is doing on all my projects. Does anybody know a way to fix this or do you think I’ll have to send it for repair?

I’d appreciate any help.


Is something connected via MIDI?
Does it also happen on a new project?


It seems something is triggered. As tnussb said may be MIDI or samples on a track. Could be muted or cued. Check if “cue mutes track” is active and these tracks are cued.


There is only midi out happening. I think I’ll try a new project and see if I get the same issue.

I do use the cue and I’m used to the track button LED’s flashing.

But the trigs in the sequencer aren’t flashing in the same way. I think I’ll do some more testing today and report back.

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In track mode, grid recording of, this behavior seems normal if tracks 1, 2, 4, 5 have trigs (or if they receive triggering midi notes).

The 9-16 Sample / MIDI Trigs leds show machine triggering for tracks 1-8.


Further to my previous posts, I’m happy to report it was just user confusion on my part which led me down a crazy path :joy:

All is good with my OT.

For some reason I had never noticed before (despite using daily for 2 years…) that P Locking the trigs will make them blink.

So when I’d opened an old project on which every trig was blinking I thought that this was an error, and then all my other projects were showing the same ‘problem’ :joy:

Then whilst messing around with it to see what the problem was, I must have clicked of grid record. Hence why I could see the trigs going on and off when the sequencer was playing.

I think I must have been tired that night…