Is there a bug in the Digitone where it plays two patches at once?

I’ve just loaded up one of the sounds triggered as a chord from my digitone, and realised it’s playing the same sound ON TOP of another sound.

When I change the sound in the sound browser, the old sound is playing along with whatever sound I’ve chosen from the sound browser.

Has anyone else encountered this? I’ve tried power cycling and it’s still happening.

Are you sure you’re not “layering” two or more sounds together? (setting in the “voice” menu)


From the manual p.35 :

LAYER Makes it possible to trig two or more tracks with the same note from the sequencer or the key- board. For example, if you are on track 1 set LAYER to affect track 2 then every note you play on track 1 also plays on track 2, effectively playing two Sounds at the same time. Tracks that are layered to the active track have filled squares in the parameter representation on the screen.

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Oh my god, that’s EXACTLY what was happening.
Thank you so much, I was going out of my mind.