Is there a good workflow for using Octatrack with Ensoniq gear?

I have an ESP16+ rack and some ASRs that I love, and while I love the sound, the sequencer leaves a lot to be desired.

I’m aware that people seem to like the OT as a MIDI sequencer, but would it be possible to do something whereby the OT sends the SysEx to start and stop the Ensoniq gear sampling? Something like this would be really clean and help me achieve the sound for which I’m looking.

Would I have to use a computer between the MIDI connection from the OT to the ASR in order to accomplish this?

The OT cannot send sysex commands. MIDI CC only.

You need some other approach.

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You might be able to use a MIDI processor to achieve this, but I wouldn’t expect perfect timing.

How long are the sysex strings?

oldgearguy - Perhaps my approach might be to pass on the OT.

license - Thanks for the response. The sysex shouldn’t be too bad, the the ASR can be set up, probably via sysex as well, to sample up to 119 ms pre-trigger. I might figure something out if I decide to pick up an OT.

i wouldn’t go buying an OT primarily for the MIDI side (if that’s the priority) - obviously its strength is the sampling side - and yeah, there’s no sysex, but it’d be an easy job to translate in Lemur e.g. if you have an old iPhone that supports a midi interface - or RPi or arduino project or other proprietary solution

Sounds like you need/want a proper midi sequencer, which is not the Octatracks strength… it is quite simple in that regards.

There is a wealth of really powerful proper midi sequencers out there to have a gander at.

Check the Yamaha RM1x, RS7000 and QY series; E-Mu Command Stations, Roland MC-x0x line and of course MPC’s.

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I was sort of thinking that I’d use an OT with a MIDI to CV device (from Kenton or similar) a lot to sequence stuff. I know some guys who seem to like this. Would you recommend against this?

Better to spend the time developing my own instruments - yikes!

I haven’t done this, but considering the generally mono nature of midi to cv interfaces, and looking at the kenton devices, I’d say it would be a good fit.
While it’s certainly got limitations on it’s sequencing, the OT midi sequencer is good for those old style style sequences. It’s arpeggiator is pretty good, and you can set CC outputs on a step by step basis. You would be able to set up one midi out with the aux CVs and send all values out on a step by step basis, and you have the three lfos to use as well as the ones embedded in the kenton.

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I was sort of thinking that I’d use an OT with a MIDI to CV device (from Kenton or similar) a lot to sequence stuff. I know some guys who seem to like this. Would you recommend against this?[/quote]
couldn’t really say - but if i was spending lots of dough i’d want it to be high bang for bucks, if the main excellent sampling/audio side of the OT isn’t immediately part of the ‘bang’ part of that equation, then it seems like an odd choice - given you could find dedicated sequencers for less
i use the a4 with cv and i think the dark energy is a handy converter to have around - only played with a friend’s kenton once, seemed quite powerful
a useful aspect of the OT is the cue outs which you can use for trig outs (low voltage though) to clock stuff
OT is great, but i rarely use the midi side, buying it as a sampler is the only way i’d recommend it unless money was no object