Is there a legitimate reason for no scales on OT?

Can’t argue with that. But I’m not expecting them to do anything. Just tell me why they can’t do it. If they “won’t” do it then that says more about their vision than anything. Playing Scales on sequencers is pretty normal and been around along time.

Or at least make it so we could change the root note on chromatic mode. :man_shrugging:

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I see Elektron a bit like the Apple of the music biz - they seem very elusive to me - and I’ve never seen them engage much with the community (beyond the yearly survey I guess). They have friendly and responsive support though - you could ping them an email. Fair warning though if they don’t want to answer your question they will simply not reply :laughing:

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The universal answer to this question is that there are other high priority tasks that are using up all available engineering resources. You can neg them all you want, but the smartest move even from a visionary perspective is to say nothing until this feature is ready to ship.

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Have you tried actually asking Elektron?


Yes. Haven’t heard back yet

While we’re on the subject the best key to play in on chromatic mode is Eb since you can get the major VI or the diminished 7 which squeezes just a bit more range out of those 16 notes.

Use slices in the meantime, by sampling a bunch of notes in a scale.

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Scales exist on the midi arp.

For audio tracks, You can sample all notes of a scale, slice, then use slice mode, there’s your ‘folded’ scale (which I believe is what the kids are calling it these days)

There really aren’t any barriers. The only limit is your imagination.


We are Electronic music producers not musicians, give us Scales. :rofl:


I’m not sure you read the thread. I’m not talking about audio tracks I’m talking about the midi tracks and I’m not talking about the sequencer I’m talking about adding the “folded” keyboard from the digi boxes. Here’s a song I made for the bi-weekly sample flip thread. The bass, piano and Rhodes track were all performed using the digitone “folded” keyboard (tuned to G# major which I could not play on a normal keyboard) hooked up to Bitwig. There is no sequencing going on at all.

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Oh I read it.
Scales are available for midi tracks. Activate it via arp page.

However, for the ‘folded’ scale thing. That isn’t present on the OT. Probably because it was developed more than ten years ago, and the people that designed it, didn’t think of it.

If you want to play the midi tracks like you would a piano… does that imply a midi keyboard? OT midi tracks have chromatic keyboard. If you learn scales, no need for a fold function.

probably best off asking Elektron if they can squeeze it into an update.

Lol, please try to play a CM7 chord on the chromatic mode with one hand. It’s impossible. Now do it on a regular piano keyboard, easy af.

Again all I hear is people on the internet saying why they think it is so. But never the actual people who would know, because it super secret I guess.

Or because they’re not reading this forum and/or dont work for elektron any more.

There’s no secret, its just not there.

Dunno about you, but I use a midi keyboard. Because well… 16 buttons just isnt the same.


Pretty much they have no interest in wasting all day reading feature request threads and user posts. Half the users dont even bother reading the manuals or even use a quarter of the features effectively anyways.


Chromatic mode reminds me of External Instrument Mode on the TR-909 — which, like the Octatrack, has 16 clacky trig keys in a row.

On the TR-909, it’s hard-coded to 16 unchangeable, sequential MIDI note numbers. But it can open up some fun possibilities. It can be fun for basslines. It also can be fun for triggering patterns / arps on external gear.

Some gear will let you say “when I press A1, play this pattern,” so External Instrument Mode is perfect for triggering that. And for arps, the control is all in the destination sequencer: so, set the note length longer, or set HOLD mode, and then it doesn’t really matter that you can’t change the 16 notes coming out of the 16 trig keys. Like on the Octatrack: the parameters you can change in the track machines are vast, so changing those can make chromatic mode more flexible.

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…ur talking about the oldest sequencer engine from sweden out there…

scales and fold mode will remain a standard part of every next new machine to come, since these are essential AND latest progress in their next chapter of sequencer code, developed by people who never had their hands on ot’s original inner machinery but still gave us quite some superlate xtras for it anyways…like conditional trigs and stuff…

but on a more than a decade old machine, that was so funky universal ubersmart for it’s time, that made it still relevant up to day, i would not set my hopes too hi for still more to come…

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Well, given the OT is a sampler. I don’t know if they expanded the DT keyboard from it’s original number of scales in chromatic mode.

I know it’s a little bigger than the OT, but I’m sure something like that is how it’s included and what other parts it effects to change it, so far as why they may not have or won’t end up addressing it.

All you can really do is put it in the features thread explaining why you think it’s of larger value, hope others agree and speak on it and that the Elektron team will take your suggestion in consideration in the next feature up date.

I think they’re working on one possibly. I came in at a grand time. Just months after I bought a used mk2 they drop the latest update. I had put in a suggestion on dimming the LED’s or screen brightness being an option. Probably was suggested numerous times, but I didn’t have that mk2 long and they addressed it. And then added all those other boss features too.

It may not happen, but even if it’s another year or so, I’m guessing there may be at least one more OT update in it with a final bug sweep after release ???

I use both hands with Digis in KB FOLD mode. The 2 rows allow different things, but with OT 1 row you’d get 2 more notes (first octave doubled on digis, page button being 17th note), and with a pentatonic scale you’d get 3 octaves + 2 notes…

Arp scale doesn’t make OT more playable, I definitely prefer scale off in chromatic + arp mode. I’d use scale only with a random lfo on notes.

Anyway, with my OT MKI, trigs are less enjoyable to play, a
I don’t want to break them all (had to repair 2 of them with glue).


Oh, also, may not be of greatest value, but you can at least extend your scale just by adjusting the rate knob. Well only lower, unless your original sample is at a faster rate beforehand.

So not the best solution, but a will a way. I thought of the OT as an ultimate mono synth like a matrixbrute/Pro 3 meets a sampler as far as sonic exploration abilities, sacrifice analog in source, but in sample with digital effects and it’s other features are window dressing and icing on a sonic behemoth.
It’s got it’s strengths & weaknesses but… it’s strengths soar.

They broke on you, like at the stem, the button?

Not sure to understand the question. When my Scene B didn’t work anymore, I felt bad.
Then I realised my trig 12 wasn’t responsive enough.
I think I’d feel more comfortable playing with OT MKII trigs, unless they get sticky…