Is there a legitimate reason for no scales on OT?

… we can’t get scales on the OT?

I don’t give a flagged comment about overbridge, you probably don’t either. Just give me 2 octaves of scales so I can sell my Digitone. Please :pray:


You can get scales on the OT! :slight_smile: It’s a trick you can do using the arp - it only effects the sequencer though so it can be confusing if you’re playing stuff into it live, and is more limited than the Digitone.

I’d be in favour of Digitone style keyboard folding and proper scales though as it is a bit of a hack.


Right I know how to do that and that’s ok for, well it’s not that great. I want to play it like a piano. It just seems like the most basic thing to add

I expect we will see better key scales when Elektron announces the Octatrack Keys.


Forgive me if I’m misunderstanding, and probably am, but do you just mean chromatic mode? That’s under Trig Mode (FUNC+⬇️)

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Not sure about what @malus_mons want, but I’d like a Keyboard Fold mode as on ST and DT (not sure if DN have it too ?), i.e. triggering only the notes of the scale with each trig : 17 notes of the scale available in “Chromatic” trig mode per “octave”.

A workaround with audio tracks : scaled slices, 64 notes, 9 octaves of a 7 notes scale.
(One shot notes, single cycle, or attack plus slice loop)

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I don’t see any good reason why keyboard fold/scales are not part of all Elektron products featuring the Elektron sequencer.

It’s the year 2023 I think we can all agree technology can move past chromatic mode only.


Is chromatic mode still relevant in 2023 ? :content:

I hope OT and other Elektrons will receive some of Digis improvements…they can’t work on all their machines at the same time…


I mean that I don’t understand why it should be kept on specific boxes when it just a feature that increases playability. It’s not like having more machines or an arp mode or FX track…

For me I think it’s “basic” feature and considering how expensive the octatrack is, I find it surprising that it doesn’t have it.

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Iirc someone at Elektron stated the Digis (or maybe Analogues, thus presuming Digis too) and OT share entirely different code.

I’m still not sure why you can’t use Chromatic mode the way @natehorn says…I do.

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Exactly, I want 2 octaves of “folded” scales just like the digis. I think it would be even better because it’s not stacked so you could use both hands.


I think it was Baker who said fuck it, and samples all his gear, in different scales, into his OT to get around this problem.
Pain in the ass though to be sure.


You think it’s technical limitations? I would think keyboard scales to be pretty light to add on to an existing firmware… But I know nothing.

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Also the chromatic mode is silly. Imagine how well a 16 note midi keyboard would sell. It wouldn’t. I will sometimes play bass notes with my left hand and chords and melodies with my right hand on the digitone and that’s ok but still not ideal.

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I’m just saying it might not be that easy to bring over from the Digis to OT.

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Ok last rant and the point of this post:

I can’t imagine there’s a more passionate user base than us Elektronauts… we all love these instruments and spend countless hours playing them and talking about them. So why is there this stupid wall between the actual developers and us? We make their products amazing, not them. We put in all the hard work. I have been a musician much longer than Elektron has even existed.

I’m just so flagging tired of walls my friends. Get over yourselves Elektron


Yea I think this is also what leads folks to speculate there’ll never be a true upgrade to it - they’d need to essentially start from scratch. Even simple upgrades like this may involve unravelling a lot of fairly opaque code that no one that works there has touched.

One must learn to embrace OT’s flaws. Which reminds me I need to work out why I keep getting this parse error and I’m sure I pasted over a pattern the other day by copying it :crazy_face:


But why can’t they just say that? Why all the mystery?

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From a PR perspective, anything that you say constrains what you do in the future. It is much safer to say nothing and deliver pleasant surprises than to create expectations that you fail to live up to.


Considering E’s update history, I feel like they are the poster company for under promising and over delivering.