Is there a manual for the Syntakt?

I can’t find it.


Cheers mate. Tx!

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If there wasn’t a manual, this forum would turn into synth Qanon obsessively piecing it all together


I mean, it is anyway


Yes, since a few weeks ( new design) the link „…manual“ from search engine says page can not be found for me. One has to go to support page and then the machine.

Also just tried today, still can‘t login account and password reset doesn‘t work ( from phone) edit: reset worked after trying and waiting many times, thanks

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(BTW Alex Jones is a synth freak and is probably around.)

Is there a more updated user manual now?

Same place all the current Elektron manuals can be found: on the Elektron website.

Updated Jan '23, supports Syntakt OS 1.20A.


damn, that blurb on page 11 hasn’t gotten any easier to read

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This below ? You have to fully understand it if you want to use the Syntakt properly…

    Rain is like the sound of trains outside your window. Looking out, you see reflections of the passing aboveground subway and crimson tail lights. Refractions in the lingering water droplet trigger memories. Off-world colonies and the rhythm of life, on our world and others, imagined or actual, exist at the edge of our grasp in a blur of light-speed relativistic reality. Bliss. The focus becomes your reality. Colors and beats create a musical tapestry in the life of the maximal metropolis you experienced. You go back to your automated coffee-bot, who greets you with a pixelated smile. The synthesis of emotion feels sincere, and you take the sentiment to heart. The vapors waft pleasingly to the ceiling when pouring and absorb into the climate control of your cozy complex. Now is the time. You sit at your sonic workspace and turn on the Elektron Syntakt. It breathes into life, and the glint of red light spirits you into action. Analog synthesis meets digital synthesis. A musical cyborg companion. Your pathfinder on a new musical journey, one both familiar and new. You begin turning knobs, f inding pleasing and even unsettling sounds. The beat starts. Pieces fall into place like a dozen meteorites on a perfect trajectory into an unnamed expanse. Time crumbles, limitations blur, and it is just you and the machine. A message comes across your field of view in another space, not entirely grounded in our reality: We thank you for joining us on this adventure. There is much to explore. This is our collective step in the ethereal Ouroboros of a new musical epic.
  • The Elektron Team

:joy: :joy:

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Side note : you may need psychedelic drugs to understand it.

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I could swear when I was reading it, it was something about Killer Robots …

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