Is there any way for OB to interact with Max/MSP & Pure Data?

Title says it all.

I just installed 1.22B for my Rytm and I love the updates and reconfiguration of the effects (the reverb ‘pops’ so much easier).

I have been wanting to integrate my Rytm into a digital programming platform like Pure Data, and was under the impression that the Rytm would have simple functionality as a class compliant interface. Not that it could do some of the more intensive OverBridge functions, but access the audio i/o at minimum.

When I plugged my Rytm into my laptop (Windows 8.1), it had no recognition of the Rytm as an audio interface, MIDI device, or recognize it was connected at all.

I am still trying to read through all the documentation of OverBridge to see if what I want is possible, but I figured it’d be worth asking here: Can the Rytm’s OverBridge interface with Pure Data at all, or is it strictly limited to a DAW that can host the OverBridge VST?

I understand most people will use OB with a DAW in a more “traditional” use, but the potential for Elektron’s Analog gear interfacing with Pure Data & MSP is really exciting and I hope I can use it as such. Being able to route tracks in PD without having a large audio interface and breakout cables is a huge draw for me


To be clear - I only want to access the audio routing and hopefully MIDI data in Pure Data, I do not want to access the VST control panel for parameters.

Overbridge is an umbrella term for a few things
The VST side obviously necessitates a means to load a plugin - this is possible in Max/MSP using ~vst
It’s also possible to configure audio i/o without loading a vst
and of course, as before, it’s always possible to funnel lots of midi data in/out
as for pd, why not try !

I don’t actually use MSP, I just know more people are familiar with that programming language than Pure Data. I also was curious if it was able to function in MSP without the vst support. am strictly PD right now.

On Windows, it is not currently able to work properly. Pure Data will not detect the Rytm in ASIO mode; in its regular audio driver mode it will detect the Rytm, but act funny. Input 1 is the raw BD output, input 2 is the raw snare, but it won’t access the rest of the voices nor does it detect the stereo output from the Rytm (since output 1/2 is supposed to be the stereo.)

My music partner owns a Mac, going to try that and hope for the best.

While Windows is known to handle MSP great, it is known for shaky Windows support for Pure Data (for instance, if you try to use any of the MIDI interface objects in PD it directly warns you that PD works bad on Windows), so I’m hoping it is just that.