Isla Instruments Caladan

Let‘s get the old speculation engine fired up!


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Looks nice! I count 16 buttons in a row on top and 8 individual outs plus Midi/CV. Might be a real competitor to the Analog Four?! :space_invader:

Kind of reminds me of the Parva but with more knobs, a moodier look and likely not nearly as buggy as hell


Nice! I saw the ‘Caladan’ print thing teased by Brad the other day, wasn’t sure what to expect.

Judging by its namesake, I’m hoping for Dune 3 in a box. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Looks like a synthesizer desktop unit with 4 stereo tracks.

Could also be a drum machine. The row of small buttons towards the top could be for step sequencing.

No inputs, so probably not another sampler or fx unit.

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Doesn’t he cater to the deep state hip hop elite? Therefore, drum machine.

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He’s quite often made reference to the S2400 being expensive and “watch this space” for something more cost friendly

They missed off 2 encoders.
Maybe in a firmware uograde ? :joy:

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also 4 sections/voices as you can see a red line between them.

And 4 patchpounts to the left.

Giving me vermona performer vibes too

Caladan is an ocean planet in Frank Herbert’s Dune.

Ocean > water > waves.



This is a wavetable drum machine. :smiley:


Happy birthday Brad

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yep, my initial thought

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It’s obviously Octatrack MK3.


Either way, I have a feeling Octatrack users will be happy.

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I’m gonna go out on a limb here and guess that it is a multi timbral analog, digital, and sample-based hybrid synth.


analog drum machine

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Even a basic midi controller with leds like that would be good for showing parameters / parameter modulations etc.
though ideally there’s some innovation on the software side … most midi controllers are very very basic (I’ve tried many many types)

I assume their new device will take bits off sp2400 like the sequencer / song mode etc. leverage their already existing tech

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I’ve been thinking about this and how LEDs rings could represent modulation. Sure, you get an idea of speed and direction but what about modulation shape? How would you go about representing a S&H LFO, or an exponential LFO set to retrigger. Definitely doable but would require a lot from LEDs.

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