Isla S2400

I’ll just leave this here.


Whoever wrote this is just provoking master Uli


This is interesting. Are people really pining over the SP-1200 that much? I know the vintage ones sell for crazy prices, but is it just nostalgia, or is it really that good a box?

For todays standards its not that good of a sampler. Its missing a lot of features and most people today will get it for how it colors the sound. Id be interested in something with a similar workflow and sound but it would need some extra features and not be an exact replica.


I think they’ll have a winner if they use down clocked DACS and the cloned filter chips being made by Behringer. Sequencing and sampling time need to get with the times though.

I don’t think anyone misses using SCSI and floppies for storage. LOL.


The renders are really indicative of the kind of dream sampler I would design for myself. I would reduce the throw of the faders in exchange for a second knob on top.

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Sign me up if true

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I wonder what company this is?

Main guesses are Rossum and then Akai. Rossum specially because they have an interview based around E-MU on their main page (article is old though). And Akai because the pads look like theirs in the first pictures.

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There is also this guy making his own clone based on Raspberry pi and Arduino. Lets see who wins the race.

Something smells fishy around this, the whole “we dont wanna tell you but we´re gonna tell you” is all about creating hype from speculation. And the sound demo could just be a touch screen used as controller for an emax for the sound.

This could be a kickstarter based on mockups and soundclips.

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If it’s the size of a volca and has far better specs than the original, I might be interested …

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Doubt they will be Volca sized and I personally would not want it that small. Faders and the way the workflow of the original worked would be kind of annoying in that small of a format. Id say maybe the size of a DT (a bit wider and not square) or even an Octatrack would be great.

Feature-wise the one in the second video by LowHiss listed this on his clone

  • A more compact layout
  • Portable, with the option to either run on battery or plugged into the wall
  • Some effects (reverb, delay, compression, etc…) assignable to individual sounds
  • Access to external usb storage in addition to the internal storage which is an SD card
  • Sounds stored in wav, so you can just copy/paste to and from a computer
  • Variable bit-depth from 12 to 1bit, on a per-pad basis
  • Wireless transfer of sounds to/from a phone or pc
  • The ability to both tune AND decay a sound (one of my pet peeves with the SP haha)
  • Access to a lot more sample time if you want to, but also the option to keep the same 10s & 2.5s limitations
  • Open Source

The sp2400 above is supposed to also have more modern features.


By ISLA Instruments



I have never tried the Kordbot or any of their other products so I have no clue how the hardware will feel. Pad feel most importantly.

ISLA is located within 5mi of me. I would love to check one of these out in person when they’re ready. I thought about getting a KordBot at one point but never went through. I respect what he’s doing and imagine it’s very difficult at that scale. Kudos to him for doing it.

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If it’s exactly what you want you “might” be interested lol

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The GS thread on this subject is interesting and confusing. Apparently there are multiple concurrent SP projects that are unrelated?

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