Isn't MIDI CC supposed to be sent per channel T1, T2…?

Hi all,

Can anybody confirm how MC is supposed to send MIDI CC?

I was under the impression that T1 sends on midi-channel 1, T2 sends on midi-channel 2, etc… (which is obviously configurable, of course). I replicated a quick m4live-device (attached) with “midiselect” to unpack and have look at incoming MIDI-data. But no matter whether note-data or MIDI-CC, it’s always channel 1 that is banging. Probably I’m just an idiot, but can anyone offer some ideas? Shouldn’t it be MIDI-channel 2 that is banging when I hit a pad or CC on T2?

Warm regards.

Download m4live-device: midiselect.adg

EDIT: Configuring another MIDI-channel in Ableton with MC as MIDI-input seems to work as expected; so should be something with my device, I guess ; (

On the MC, you have to enable MOut for each track and change the output midi channel for each track and then it should work.

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I remember that Ableton - no matter what you select in the MIDI IN Channel box - always uses Channel 1 after it has been passed through to the devices.

If you select channel 2 as input it will only pass through that channel, but then in the track it is channel 1. You can use the M4L midi monitor to verify that… Not at my computer atm.

Yes, MOut is often overlooked!

Thank you! I believe this is what I am trying to do right now and what is indeed happening. I’d love to control my device from the MC-hardware and vice versa, the limitation seems to be with Ableton and/or my understanding of how MIDI is routed within. There are external libs for M4L like imp.midi but I am actually running into other issues (timing) with MC right now.

You can also check this Device. It’s free Elektron Model Cycles Remote for Ableton M4L v1.37 Update
Btw. i written have some externals which are now M1 compatible aswell. More soon.

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Thx, seen that! It’s great! Yet building my own controller at the moment, really a cool learning experience, Max for Live is a fantastic MIDI-data-and-numbers-manipulator.