Issue: Analog Rytm's sound doubles on Ableton

Hey Elektronauts!
I guess I’m encountering a very basic issue, but still couldn’t find the solution :frowning:

My Analog Rytm’s (MK2) sound doubles with a short delay (like several ms or so) on Ableton’s audio track.
Connection route is as follows: AR’s main output -> audio interface (RME Fireface UC)

When I adjust track delay on the corresponding audio track it looks like increasing the delay time works as expected (doubling beats become farther from each other), but no matter how hard I try, I cannot make them sound simultaneously. Anyway I believe these should some better solution :slight_smile:
Thanks in advance!

Is it recording two beats?

Im not sure how Ableton works but my guess would be youre monitoring both the input (AR) and Abletons output (which in this case is the AR).

Check either Ableton monitoring settings or TotalMix settings.


Yep, you’re absolutely right! Thanks a lot man!

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