I am still learning to find my ways through my Digitone while having a lot of fun.
After I found out, how to handle the Scale-Settings, I love long lasting Pads or Arps on a single row (8 Steps).
Now I have an Arp running on 8 Steps, with the following Configuration:
Length 16/16, Scale 1/8, Ch.Len Off, M.Len 64
I play a Note with 48Length on 1 and one with 16 Length on 7. This works fine.
Now I want to add some notes to the arp sometimes. So I place another Note (higher one) on 5. That works great. No Problems here…But:
I want that trigger on 5 be triggered every second time. I learned, that you use conditions for it (using them on my drum-tracks a lot). Now, when I make it a 1/2, it will played every time, if I make it a 2/2 it will never be played.
Maybe thats, because the counter for the conditions is somehow based on 1/1 Scale and fails here?
Currently I just enhanced the length of the track, copied it and added the additional notes to the second row, but it while it resolves my issue, I would like to understand, why the conditions don’t work and how I could make them work
Thanks, Jens