Issue with kits?

Strange behaviour. The most annoying part about it is, let’s say i go to a blank pattern. The previous kit is loaded into it, and then when I clear the kit in the new pattern, it clears the kit in the previous pattern as well.
It doesn’t sort itself out until I save the kit with a trig, so if i’m switching quickly between patterns it’s a pain in the ass. It’s also super shitty for live situations where i’m in between tracks (let’s say I have a machine drum and a rytm, one on one track, and one on the other on a dj mixer) where I might want to do something improvised, if i need to jump back to a previous pattern quickly everything is reset and fucked.

I didn’t see if anyone has mentioned saving the pattern as well. Are you trying that?

Saving patterns is only really relevant when you’re just about to try something you might want to reverse. Otherwise they’re always saved as soon as you select another. Unlike kits, which you should remember to save when you have them as you want them.