Issue with kits?

I’m having an issue with when I change banks from A01 to A02 as an example, it’s not resetting the kit. When I clear the kit, it clears the kit on both A01 and A02.

Is there a setting I’m missing perhaps?

If A01 and A02 share the same kit that’s the expected behaviour.

Make A01 and A02 have different kits.

This may be a dumb question, but how does one do that. I created a fresh project from scratch so I don’t know where one sets the default kit for a bank.

Go to kits ( funct. + kit ) > pick an empty spot > Save the Kit ( funct. + yes ) > Name the Kit > Now this Kit is linked to the pattern you’re in. ( this will be a copy of the Kit you where using )
You can go to the same menu for copying Kits, or to link Kits you’ve saved to other patterns.


ok so I did that, saved and named the kit for a02, but now when I go to a01, it loads my original kit linked to that pattern, but when i go back to a02, it loads the kit from a01, not the new one I created and saved.

From my experience just assume you need at least one uniquely named/saved kit per pattern (A1-H16) minimum. That way when you tweak your kit on one pattern it doesn’t bugger up the kit on the next pattern.

Are you aware of the fact that kits are not linked to pattern statically? There is no pattern1<->kit1, pattern2<->kit2 …

We can decide, which pattern uses which kit. There is no fixed relation. If a pattern has been linked to a kit, it will keep up this link until we change the link actively.

This explains, why your pattern a1 and a2 are still linked to kit1. You have to tell a2 to use kit2.

If you change kit1, it will be changed for all pattern, that use kit1.

Are you aware of the fact that kits are not linked to pattern statically? There is no pattern1<->kit1, pattern2<->kit2 …

We can decide, which pattern uses which kit. There is no fixed relation. If a pattern has been linked to a kit, it will keep up this link until we change the link actively.

This explains, why your pattern a1 and a2 are still linked to kit1. You have to tell a2 to use kit2.

If you change kit1, it will be changed for all pattern, that use kit1.[/quote]
How does one link a pattern to a specific kit?

Oh, thats quite easy … go to the Kit-Menu and load it … here we go …

Press the button, navigate to , open it and you will find the list of 128 kits. Now navigate to the one you want to use and hit <YES/LOAD>. The loaded kit will now be linked to your active pattern.

If you have only the need of “reload” a kit, after you have messed around with it, but want to go back to the original, you can use the function.

Remember, most Elektron machines store different copies of what we do or have done. One copy is in RAM and saved on the storage medium automatically as an in-work copy and one, if we use any of the save functions. This allows us to mess around with everything without deleting or overwriting a baseline, that has been “saved”.

Are you aware of the fact that kits are not linked to pattern statically? There is no pattern1<->kit1, pattern2<->kit2 …

We can decide, which pattern uses which kit. There is no fixed relation. If a pattern has been linked to a kit, it will keep up this link until we change the link actively.

This explains, why your pattern a1 and a2 are still linked to kit1. You have to tell a2 to use kit2.

If you change kit1, it will be changed for all pattern, that use kit1.[/quote]
How does one link a pattern to a specific kit? [/quote]
The issue I’m having is that I do that, but it’s not assigning the kit to that pattern. I’ve both loaded the kit in the pattern, and saved it while in that pattern but when I go to A01 it loads the kit that’s associated with that pattern, and then when I go back to A02 it doesn’t load my new kit, it sticks with the kit from A01. I was having this problem with the default kits as well in the factory project. And on both 1.21 and 1.22. In the factory project certain kits would “stick” and it was inconsistent as to which ones it would do it with.

Are you aware of the fact that kits are not linked to pattern statically? There is no pattern1<->kit1, pattern2<->kit2 …

We can decide, which pattern uses which kit. There is no fixed relation. If a pattern has been linked to a kit, it will keep up this link until we change the link actively.

This explains, why your pattern a1 and a2 are still linked to kit1. You have to tell a2 to use kit2.

If you change kit1, it will be changed for all pattern, that use kit1.[/quote]
How does one link a pattern to a specific kit? [/quote]
The issue I’m having is that I do that, but it’s not assigning the kit to that pattern. I’ve both loaded the kit in the pattern, and saved it while in that pattern but when I go to A01 it loads the kit that’s associated with that pattern, and then when I go back to A02 it doesn’t load my new kit, it sticks with the kit from A01. I was having this problem with the default kits as well in the factory project. And on both 1.21 and 1.22. In the factory project certain kits would “stick” and it was inconsistent as to which ones it would do it with.[/quote]
Have you checked the manual? I remember there’s an settings option to choose either to keep current kit when changing pattern or load the one associated to that pattern.

To exclude any hidden issues, I would start with a empty new project and try to assign pattern and kits there. I blank project should do as the manual says. You can assign any kit to any pattern and this will stay as is, also if you swap between pattern.

To exclude any hidden issues, I would start with a empty new project and try to assign pattern and kits there. I blank project should do as the manual says. You can assign any kit to any pattern and this will stay as is, also if you swap between pattern.[/quote]
It’s worth noting that I was using the default project as an example, right now I’m working within a blank new project and still getting the same issue.

Please believe, I checked it out myself before writing the post. Maybe I did not understand your problem.

I thought it was, that a pattern a1 should be linked to a kit1, and a pattern a2 should be linked to a kit2, and switching between pattern should also switch the use of the kit. Was this wrong?

a pattern needs at least one trig somewhere to become “fully actualized”

if you switch to an empty pattern, the a4 will not load the linked kit.

  • in pattern A01
  • enter at least one trig into sequencer
  • load your desired kit
  • go to pattern A02
  • enter at least one trig into the sequencer
  • load your kit

then you can switch between patterns and the kit will follow

you’ll soon find that you “lose” kits, I.e. Kits will revert to previous settings etc…
this is because kits need to be saved (press yes + kit), and you’ll lose unsaved kits between power ups or project loads… Just another minutia to be aware of :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This ‘needs a trig’ thing has tripped me up in the past too. It doesn’t seem logical, especially if you prefer to use the A4 just like a multitimbral module (with a more flexible external sequencer) as I do.

I’d love an option to route incoming program changes not to patterns but to kits.

The “needs a trig” situation was the solution to the issue. Thanks everyone!

Need for any trig! With the reload kit on pattern change should work perfeclty, nope?

no that will just revert to the saved version of the kit when a kit is changed… but without trig - no kit change :wink: