Issue with live recording arpeggiator via MIDI

I’m trying to live record a track onto my model:cycles of an arpeggiator playing 16th note triplets on a keystep midi controller, but it records it wrong with half the notes missing as some kind of shuffle pattern.

swing is off on the track, quantization is off as well

is it not possible to do this, or am i doing something wrong?

If you’re playing 16th-note triplets, each one has a duration of 1/24, and you only have 16 trigs in a bar, so 8 will be dropped.

You can set your track length to 64 and scale to 2 and get two bars worth without any losses, assuming perfect timing.


oooh thank you, that makes sense

shit, i need a full 4 bars worth though… Im using the arpeggio as a solo over a four bar pattern in all the other tracks

can you think of a way to make that work? i guess the only way is two repeat those two bars twice?

If the arpeggio pattern can fit into two bars exactly, then it’ll repeat just fine. If it’s longer, or an irregular length, then you have more work to do.

i’ll probably have to play it live then, it’s random but starting with one note and then ending up with 15

but at least now i know why it isn’t working and how to work around it in the future