Issue with live recording parameter locks

OK so this is going to be a really easy one for someone, but despite scouring the manual I can’t quite crack this one.

Suppose I have a one-page pattern, with just one track, which plays the same sound four times, on each beat.

Now I live record and, as it plays, I gradually turn the TRIG > Note encoder up, so each note is a semitone higher than the last.

What I’m expecting is that this bakes these changes into my track, i.e. when I then press stop, then play, I hear the same steady rise in pitch from sound 1, the lowest, to sound 4, the highest.

What actually happens, though, is that all four notes play back at the final pitch that I set (for the last sound).

Obviously I can achieve what I’m after by setting locks on the individual trigs, but I’m sure there’s a way to do what I’m describing above while editing during live playback.

If someone could clarify I’d be super grateful - thanks!

So I don’t believe you can do this on the Digitakt, on the bigger boxes this is achieved via Parameter Slides.

This is probably the biggest difference between parameter locks and more traditional ‘automation’, by design you set the amount on a per-trig basis rather than there being a transition.

In a ‘note’ context this is known as portamento.

Oh, interesting - I felt sure it was me missing something.

I mean I just picked the “increasing pitch” example as any example of “live editing the config”. Another example would be live-changing the filter frequency for a part, and wanting to bake this into the recording i.e. so when I next play it back, I hear that gradual change in filter.

But fair enough if it’s not possible!

If you live record and then twiddle the knobs it will record that movement on the trigs, but it will be limited by the ‘resolution’ of that track - i.e. the smoothness of the transition will be dependant on the number of steps. Whereas Parameter Slides do what I believe you’re after, and create smooth transitions between the values.

Another way to achieve what you want might be to use an LFO, but it might be a bit fiddly and is somewhat limited.

Digitone can do portamento btw (also known as glide) but that’s specific to note slides.

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the changes would need to happen exactly whilst the record head passed each ‘milestone’ trig

haven’t tried with DT but if you are constantly wiggling the note parameter - it will record changes - what you want to achieve would just require judicious tweak timing and it would be simpler to manually do it

it has to be actively changing value during the window on the desired step for it to latch as a new lock

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Thanks all!