Issue with trig 1 not lighting red?

Hi all, and Happy Holidays! I was really disappointed when I went to go lay down a beat on the Digitone today, and I could not for the life of me get trig/trigger 1 (the “1” button”) to light red and be part of a sequence. The key goes from nothing to dim white, but never turns bright red like the other keys. This is especially frustrating because I can’t start a pattern on the correct beat. I have tried tweaking the pattern length and doing a factory reset, but to no avail. Any idea what is going on here?



I don’t know the UI of the Digitone, but reading between the lines it looks like you’re setting pattern lengths there and that trig ought to be lit - you can also test the LED integrity in test mode - hold Fn whilst powering on, be careful with selection in startup mode, but once you start it you ought to be able to test for hardware issues but in particular some of the lower numbered trigs (whilst in test mode) will illuminate all the buttons for a given colour, probably all red, green, blue, white - this would confirm/exclude if the issue was related to the hardware

Presumably if you keep it simple start a new project and create a pattern in step mode the Trig on step 1 will sound - you’re comment about not being able to start a pattern on the beat makes no sense here and points to something else - if the simple pattern plays Trig 1 and it isn’t illuminated like the others then you have an answer

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That is very odd. So you’re saying it’s a LED not coming on issue, or is it both the LED and the sound not working? Either way, it’s time to create a support ticket on Seems to me like the LED is busted but they will advise.


Hey Craig, thanks for the reply! Digging in further, I believe it is an issue with the red LED not working. I think I can get sound to trigger from step 1, but it doesn’t light red, only goes between dim white light or off completely. Good call, I’ll be reaching out to support today. Thanks!

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Dammit, I have the same issue. Did you ever solve it? I have contacted support. I ran test mode and it’s clear the red led for trig 16 on my unit is not working.

Digitakt switch:

The closes match I could find is this:

In theory after desoldering the switch one should be open the case and be able to replace the led. Led should be RGB type but have no idea what actual part number it could be.

I would think that Elektron support should be able to offer replacements though.


a vid showing kailh switches in more detail:

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