Issues syncing Octatrack to Digitakt through Overbridge 2

Hi guys! Overbridge 2 is awesome but I’m so disappointed that such a creative instrument (Octatrack) is out of the game.

I produce mainly on the DAW using Elektron gear to add colors and textures and Overbridge finally fixed any midi sync issue between the Daw and its devices. This is not possible with OT.

So I was trying to sync DT through OverBridge in the Daw, then sending the perfect synced DT midi clock also to the OT…but I have a big delay in the OT playback that makes useless the all trip. My Midi passes through a Midi Express Xt that acts as the master midi hub, no direct connection between devices.

The only way to me to sync the Octatrack to the Daw was to create a separate midi sync, setting the OT as a slave through the Midi Clock…but it only works with a very low buffer setting on the DAW, and it’s hard to keep such a low buffer playback with big sessions.

Any solution to get the OT well synced to the DAW through this kind of setup?

Probably on the next week I’ll also get an Analog Four Mk2 in my setup, but I’d like to take advantage of the Octatrack while working mainly on the Daw.


I’ve been struggling to get this setup over the last couple of weeks too, though I’m using Analog RYTM with Octatrack on OB2 / Windows 10 / Ableton.

Here’s how I have things setup in Ableton:

As you can see, I have the RYTM tracks set to Auto for monitoring, pretty straightforward.
Any non-overbridge external hardware instruments are setup with separate monitoring and recording tracks as shown.

What audio interface are you using?

Hope this helps some.

Oh, and I get much better results by disconnecting my music computer from the internet, closing browser, literally pulling the network cable out. Before I did this the RYTM would sync fine to Ableton / OB, but the OT would be 20bpm slower. Bizarre.

Thanks for reply, my problem is not about the monitoring latency.

I hear my Elektron gear not from the DAW, but through the mixer of my Apollo interfaces.

I have latency free playback, no problem at all!

My problem is about clock-syncing delay! Octatrack has no Overbridge connection available.

So I have to send midi clock from the DAW to OT. But in order to have a minimum delay the playback buffer of the session must be set very low (about 128). Otherwise the delay is noticeable, especially working on beats.

My main system is Protools but to take advantage of Overbridge I move my tracks on Logic or even Ableton if needed, there’s no AAX Protools option for Overbridge.

Ah, I see. I have my Octatrack sync’d to RYTM with midi, which in turn is sync’d to Ableton via Overbridge. I never had too much success when trying to sync the clock of any external hardware to Ableton.

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If you are monitoring all instruments simultaneously … then this would mean that the OT and the other gear are in sync.

But if the “recording to track” shows to be out of sync, this is created by the computer. Depending on the CPU and overall performance this can be quite noticable. But this would apply to all audio recording situations, where a computer tries to be the time/sync master. There is a reason, why often very stable external clocks are used to sync the DAW and not the other way around.

I would suggest to use one of the Elektron boxes as master clock for all gear directly and not to go via DAW back to hardware.

This seems to proof it.

You can try to calibrate Ableton to “know” the latency and compensate. Maybe this can be of some help …

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Anyone using successfully the following sync chain…:

DAW master clocking a DIGITAKT in OverBridge mode + DIGITAKT sending clock to OCTATRACK (or other elektron gear not overbridge connected) ?


Hi, digging this back up because I’ve tried this set up with my new OT to no avail.

I previously had DT, DN and Keystep connected together and sync and transport from Ableton. Connected like this…

DT midi out>KS midi in

KS Midi out> DN midi in

KS set to thru in Arturia Control Center

This worked perfect for everything.

I’ve tried adding in OT like this…

DT midi out>KS midi in

KS Midi out> OT midi in

OT midi thru> DN midi in

KS set to thru in software

However, now the original set up works but no sync or transport to OT.

Any help greatly appreciated.

I think its best to first check the midi settings of the OT

Thanks Kenneth. I’ve checked both transport receive and clock receive. Program receive too.

I don’t think I need to concern with midi channels as I basically just want to jam with my my black boxes all in sync and starting together.

This is surely possible…


I would like my DT & DN to use Overbridge as that helps my lack of audio inputs on interface. Using them both as USB over audio through my Mac and then just using my interface for L and R from my OT.

Any luck Paulie?

I too am having an issue. Is there any way for the Digitakt to receive DIN MIDI as well as USB MIDI while in overbridge mode?

I have an Octatrack Arrangement which sends program change to the Digitakt which works perfectly fine without using Overbridge, but using it seems to turn off all DIN inputs for MIDI as soon as I enable it as the audio device in Ableton.

Disabling Overbridge and using USB Audio/MIDI reenables this functionality, but I then lose per-track recording. I’ve tried using my audio interface to send MIDI from OT > Ableton > DT for program change, etc. to no luck.

Ableton Track/Sync/Remote on input from the interface, the same for the output to the DT. The only other thing that works is having the interface send MIDI out to the Octatrack as well as Overbridge duties to the DT, but then I get sync issues and the Digitakt does not receive OT program changes via arrangement.

If this is simply not possible I’ll have to find another way, but it would be nice to add the functionality of receiving DIN and Overbridge MIDI because basically all of my tracks are Digitakt being controlled by the OT.