Issues with Digitone Main Outputs

Forgive my lack of knowledge on this subject generally, but I’m having issues with the audio output on the Digitone, and I’m wondering if something glaringly obvious is going on.

So far I’ve managed to use the DN just fine with Overbridge in my DAW, but I may find myself in situations where I cannot use Overbridge. I own a Scarlet Focusrite 4i4 interface and two balanced TRS cables for the L/R outputs. Hooking them up with the Line inputs on the front of the interface, the signal is extremely quiet, and turning it up of course raises the noise floor, creating a loud hissing that completely overpowers the DN. Using the line inputs on the back of the interface, the signal is even quieter, barely audible. I’m not using monitors or anything with the interface, I’m only using it as an input, all sound is coming from my computer’s default outputs.

It seems like a simple thing, no? Plug it into my interface and then send the signal directly into my DAW, but I suppose not. So, before I destroy my DN and my interface by repeatedly plugging and unplugging TRS cables, I need to be sure I’m not doing something wrong here.

Do you still have the Digitone USB connected to your computer while using the Scarlet ?
What if you use the line inputs on the back of the Scarlet ?
Do you use “unofficial” cables (USB or power) in your setup ?
Could it be a ground loop ?
Maybe try multiple simplest connections to isolate the noise ?

Do you still have the Digitone USB connected to your computer while using the Scarlet ?

I thought this was the case initially, but unplugging it does not help

What if you use the line inputs on the back of the Scarlet ?

I said in the original post that I tried both the inputs on the front and the back of the 4i4.

Do you use “unofficial” cables (USB or power) in your setup ?

No, I’m using the ones that came with the Digitone.

Could it be a ground loop ?

I do not know what this means

Maybe try multiple simplest connections to isolate the noise ?

Something I don’t know how to do, I’m going to need more details.

Search for ground loop on Google, its like an electrical loop that produces some noise.
Just in case : how is the audio routing on the DN (setup menu, “route to main”) ?

Search for ground loop on Google, its like an electrical loop that produces some noise.

I see, I’ll look into it.

Just in case : how is the audio routing on the DN (setup menu, “route to main”) ?

All four tracks and the three FX are routed to main (7/7) and everything is on with send to FX (6/6). Int to Main is set to auto, I’ve tried setting it to on, but that doesn’t seem to help.

A ground loop will add noise, it won’t make the signal so quiet it’s inaudible.

Have you tried using other devices with the Scarlett - are they also quiet?

I think the Scarlett range has a ‘pad’ function which lowers the inputs by -10dB - just checking, but is this enabled?

Have you tried using different cables?

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You’re using the digitone main outputs, right? Sure? And the main volume is up? (It’s not clear what you were referring to by “turning it up”, digitone volume, interface input gain, or DAW track volume?)

Have you checked the TRS cables are good, by using them to connect a different piece of gear to the interface? Basic troubleshooting starts with trying to narrow down where the problem is. Does it work if you use the same interface and same cables with a different synth/instrument? Then try same interface and digitone, different cables. Connect the digitone directly to the computer’s line-in with a 2xTS to mini-TRS cable, to remove the interface from the setup etc.

Some of these checks need extra cables, so you might not be able to do them, but it will be more productive than just plugging and unplugging the same cables again and again hoping for a different result.

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The input gain on the interface.

You’re right, however I simply do not have access to another synth/instrument or other cables or another interface readily available to troubleshoot with. Not everyone does. I will be taking my DN to someone I know who has this equipment readily avilable. But I figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask for some help online.

Now that you mention it, I should say that these are rather cheap cables I bought off of Amazon, and I’m wondering if that may have something to do with it.

Bit of an uncharitable interpretation. This was hyperbole. It’s not that I’m mindlessly plugging and unplugging cables “hoping for different results,” I am taking steps in between such as turning devices on and off, switching ends, trying different inputs. But yes, that is definitely more productive.

Thank You