Jamming on a plane with a Syntakt

I actually would be sooooo paranoid the whole 18hrs about:

-People squeezing past

That i wouldn’t be able to focus, mix that with any anxiety around flying, if i managed to make tunes the music would come out sounding like 18hrs of industrial gabba :rofl:

I already made music in a plane on the following devices:


Best ways were everything except OP-1 as it brings more attention.
Make sure to use appropriate monitoring headphones (I once made the mistake To bring open monitoring headphones so very difficult to hear my song).

I’ve tried it, but got worried about my hearing and stopped after twenty minutes. I found I had to turn the volume to maximum on my model:cycles because of the background noise from the plane, and it didn’t feel healthy to have it that loud for an extended period.

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take the m8 surely?

clacky buttons definitely a bit clacky in my experience. Gameboy size thing is perfect!

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I used noise cancelling headphones but they were not proper monitoring ones so I had to EQ everything afterwards

Don’t care what people think about such things, life’s too short, jam on!


good reason to finish carving the back panel of the M8!


what are you running it on out of interest?
got headless running on a chromebook, but would love it to be portable…

ANBERNIC RG351V with custom Ark OS. They’re about £100 and come with loads of knock off games too. You lack the audio input and MIDI TRS of the M8, but I think you can do some of that over USB with an interface. I just dump a load of sounds onto the SD card though and have been using it for remixing stems.


thanks - might have to pick one of those up! looks like there are a few second hand ones around on ebay.
don’t really need the audio in or MIDI.

yeah, they’re pretty good when you factor they’ve got built in battery screen and button interface, it’s pretty neat. https://github.com/jasonporritt/rg351_m8c Ark OS took a bit of work to get the devices wifi to connect to my network because I had lots of power line extenders confusing it, so if you’re struggling to connect to wifi, simplify your network to get the going, but yeah otherwise it’s cool

nice one, looks perfect!

…but, I kinda want attention…

On topic though, if you have an iPad, rocking some Drambo, Aum, and Drumcomputer would be kinda fun on a plane. And probably more comfy, since you cant let people by you and not worry about a precious Elektron device.

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Took my BB on my last flight - success! Hardware any larger is tough to fit on the tray, honestly


I took my M8 on a plane once and it was alright. The track I made on it wasn’t my finest moment though. On the flight back I alternated between reading a book and playing Desert Golf on my phone. I can hardly ever justify reading books anymore and flights are a perfect opportunity. On a plane I’m too uncomfortable to get properly in the zone to make music.

Nanoloop on the bullet train from Tokyo to Osaka though, now that was great.

@BLKrbbt @joeykaram right it’s a size thing isn’t it, and then storing it under the seat etc when you want a break and food etc. Be my luck that I kick the syntakt or something.

@pselodux wisdom here. I have to admit when I’ve taken an iPad before loaded with Korg Gadget or borderlands/samplr the tracks were pretty crappy. I think you’re right about mindset and how much that can affect what you’re producing. I think this is why I was thinking it’s good to learn the mechanics of something rather than the emotion in this sense. More of a puzzle to solve. Maybe I just bring that chunky maxMSP book that’s been sitting on the shelf gathering dust!

Oh man, nanoloop was great!

And we’re all ever so grateful for the exception you’re granting us.

Seriously, the world needs more people unabashedly doing their thing in public, if only to set the example that you don’t need anyone’s permission to do so. Cringe away, until you learn to smile!


Well I was granting myself the exception there, but of course everyone is free to be as embarrassing as they want to be. Cringe on!


last year i faced a similar choice (digitone, europe-australia) and decided against it because of the hassle. and let me tell you, i’m VERY glad i did, because in that cramped environment there was no way i was gonna touch the thing or enjoy creating or feel ok about the click-clacking of the buttons. i admire the idea but tbh it’s not gonna work.


Here in Germany you’re not allowed to take a powerbank with you in planes. :thinking:

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