Jamming/recording effects when recording to stereo

so over the years i have slowly gone from totally in the box to totally out of the box. with that, i have also gone from recording every instrument to its own track (multi-input interface) to a high end stereo recorder. i write my tracks out via the song mode on the mnm and typically do a small amount of effecting as i record. i have wanted to change that though.

i recently setup a bcr2000 to control a number of parameters (mnm, effect boxes, etc) and now i’m practicing with recording my parameter changes…and in all honesty, it’s a bit nerve wracking once i hit record. i’m enjoying the suspense of it, but it also makes it pretty frustrating when i do a grand job of recording the first half and then the second half of the track goes to shit.

does anyone have any tips when recording to stereo, especially when you’re doing on the spot manual effecting?

Yea, just roll with it and edit later.

For example, if you play part a, then do a transistion part, then goof that up going into part b, just let the machines keep rolling, get them close to where they were before it screwed up, and try again.

If you adjust any daw to the same bpm as the recording, you should be able to edit out whole sections very easily.

Barring after-the-fact editing, just practice more. ;]