Jamuary 2023


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What did you use for guitar?

Alright, here’s mine for the 11th.

Its using the Maschine mk3, which has quite a bit of a learning curve, but I am making my way through the wonderful Masterclass on YT.

Its the second track I made on her, and as i figure out Groups and clips, they will get more robust.

I had to add a bassline with Pigments, and ran that through the Moog Murf v-pedal.

@natehorn, heres what I mentioned yesterday.


Day 11, Hard Techno ft. epic swarm brasses :wink:


It’s a Les Paul although it doesn’t sound much like it. It was a simple 4 chord section from a practice recording from 2 years ago. I took that, looped the section, repitched, and heavily effected on 1 section, doubled and offset for a stab and then reversed and repitched the same 4 chords in the second section with different effects.

Then built up the rest with drums, ujams Mellow (played, no patterns) and Arturia’s Stage 73 through OTO Bam. It’s super rough, but I had fun

I’m still no guitarist especially after breaking a finger last June that’s still not the same :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Well, hate to break it to you, but playing a Les Paul and recording practice sessions make you a guitarist. Sounds way better than anything I can play.

Howd you break your finger?

Nope, Texas! But I suppose it’s inevitable that since we’re doing these daily, there may tend to be a common order of posts each day. :smiley: I think the past couple we were within 30 minutes of each other. We’ll see how it pans out today.

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This needs to be the soundtrack to a cute little bee getting some pollen for her sisters back at the hive. So swarmy!

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Be careful my friend, this is dangerous stuff you’re experimenting. You either stop now or you’re gonna have to feed the monkey on your back for the rest of your life. He’ll want more and more music, everyday… I’ve seen beautiful, young people starting with the Digitakt just like you. Now, they’re using the Octatrack. From there on, there is no coming back, they’re playing music all day, everyday…

It seems like the personality of the author always shows through the work :wink: bssssss :honeybee:

That’s the worst part… I honestly don’t know. It broke at the joint closest to the end of the finger. My hand was already in pain from cleaning, lifting things after our ceiling broke. There’s a chance I may have caused it by pulling to relieve compression. I don’t know exactly I can’t extend the same anymore.

And the LP was an engagement gift.

I proposed with the classic diamond ring and she proposed with a guitar.

She remembered a rant of mine that buying an LP is like buying a diamond, and she knew I hated the idea of wearing expensive jewelry.


Oh, so that’s how someone treats you if they actually care about you.


Well, playing the LP will probably be great therapy for the finger. It may not be good for it physiologically, but maybe you can get it to fuse in a really hard chord position.

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Talking with of playing Les Pauls… here is my day 11, hadn’t read the above until I came to post this!!

My jamuary has been a total wash out having gotten sick, I spent the last 4 days in bed so easing back into this for the first time since day 5 or 6. Camera is stuck in portrait mode as well - need a new lead but the current usb/fire connector only captures the audio on portrait…


@Jeanne i keep bees and your track definitely what it’s like working in the hive, so intense

@Clarke_111 dig the slide guitar, you ever chop up samples of yourself?

Here’s my day 11:


Thanks! I never have actually no, I’ve never really chopped any melodic samples - my sampling experiments have never got past 1 shot drums/stabs/bass sounds. Jamuary might be a good time to try it out!

yeah check it out! when I had a mpc it was one of my favorite things to do with it. Its like remixing yourself

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Some quick and dirty RYTM MK2 and using dual splitter stereo cable from TE into my TX-6 let me know if the sound comes out correctly or not. I used OB-4 as monitor and probably need to monitor with headphones to ensure quality recordings moving forward.


Day 11 #jamuary2023
When freezed buffer of Beads is played by Benjolin!


Second study of: acoustic x deluge x nord drum

The ND is a blast to play but I find it can be hard to tame in a mix

Happy 1/11 :slight_smile:


day 11 - monomachine and DX7

In “Terry’s Shop” you are a merchant in an RPG world. Go risk you life to find the ingredients and objects that will please the heroes who comes to your small shop.