Jamuary 2023

Nautilus on a 303, plus I discovered the joy of having an AR performance macro effect the sample selection - did I mention already how much I love this machine :heart_eyes:


Cycles (raw output)


Day 11. Octatrack wonderland. All the drums are made from the incoming Digitone chord progression or me yelling into a mic. (Sometimes both at the same time) Fun times :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I am too lazy to commit to Jamuary. But i shared a video recently with Digitone for it.

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I think this is one of my favorites of yours… That synth bass.

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Thanks mate I think it’s the one I’m most happy with so I’m glad to hear that :slight_smile:

Ooof yea it’s Noise Engineering’s Virt Iter Legio, using the Bass mode (which I think is also available on the Mini/Microfreak possibly) running into a 24db stereo filter - I’ve been trying to find the right pairing for both those modules and I think they’ve found each other!

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I’m posting my Jamuary #12 early…

I was excited to show this breakcore trainwreck to the sampling extravaganza, and didn’t want to wait till midnight.

caution: you may find it annoying. Its fast and glitchy.


Today’s goal was “don’t use drums”.

I made a little video to go along with it:

Not a performance vid this time, because that probably would have been boring.


Here’s me today! It’s fun having to (at some point) press record every day no matter what.



Just a quick groove for Jamuary fun. Trillian on bass, Addictive Keys on piano. Some Model:Samples and Generation Loss MKII for grit.

Edit: Something happened with one of the drum tracks… sounds like a train wreck, but that’s a wrap for today.


broooo this is wild! definitely my fav from you so far this is hard as hell

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got mine done on the m8 at the airport tonight, on my way to philly for the next five days! visiting my partner and checking out my future grad school.

tried to keep my jersey inspiration going, this one feels a little more in the vibe. still just kinda dinking around with the style. trying to get my partner to go to a club in new jersey but i dunno it shes all the way down


Days 7, 8, and 11:


Yeh just on the left here too

Day 8 is really nice.

EDIT. after listening to day 11 and getting hit with some pretty hard nostalgia, you had to have grew up in the 90’s. Those sounds were everywhere back then. Especially on dvd intros.

This is nice. No drums needed with the in utero-like beating heart and rhythmic top.

I’ve had the same no-drums goal the past two days, but what comes together at the end needed drums. The new goal is at least 1 no drums track before Sunday.

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Thanks! This Autechre interivew @phaelam shared and the new Huerco S. record were the inspiration for the challenge. I’m always so reliant on drums (and the TR8S) so it was good to get out of that frame of mind for an evening.

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57 seconds of fear in the world of mechanics

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Wow some really great stuff in here over the past 24 hours! Made for a great morning coffee time. Please keep on posting everybody!


I’m 40, so yes, I grew up in the 90’s :slight_smile: Thank you!

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