Jamuary 2023

Yo, at first I was like… oh its nice, but too simple, then it evolved into such a lovely vibe… thank you!

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20 & 21 Twenty also doubling as my first tryout for the dnb challenge with some Metroid Prime in there. :musical_keyboard::+1:

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A post shared by Lennart Verhoeff (@pixeltuner)


This one came out really nicely. Still playing around with the 2 DFAMs and the Matriarch arp.

The cool part is that one of the DFAMs is running a arp like sequence that compliments the Martriarch.


Thanks! Trying to get some practice in for the dnb battle, ha.

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Tales of Jamuary woe: I went to “get my Jamuary on” last night in a small studio space I share with a friend/collaborator. I spent a good hour re-organizing things, then turned on my ESQ-1 and was greeted by a “battery low” message. Sure enough, all the patches & sequences were gone from the internal memory.

I decided to use ESQ-1 in “LOCAL OFF”-style mode with Syntakt, but could not get the right settings set up between the ‘-SEQ-’ track and Syntakt auto MIDI channel and track channels and etc., in order to sequence the ESQ-1 from the Syntakt. Could be the ESQ-1 needs to be upgraded beyond OS ROM 2.0, could be a lot of things. I took the ESQ-1 down to have a friend help me replace the battery someday.

After all that, I still tried to get something going Jamuary #20, but I think the 2+ hours of organizing and troubleshooting sapped me of any energy or enthusiasm and I went home. :nerd_face: :frowning: “Gear, amirite?”

Cheers mate.

Day 21


Happened to me a couple times already. I added my Jedi Rick jam due to gear failure.

Jedi Rick is a pocket operator ode to Rick & Morty

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I might need to join the battle. I never did anything dnb but I’ve been leaning that way with the Jamuaries.

The pressure of getting something up pushes me that way


Once again I forgot to post yesterday’s yesterday so here it is now!



Today’s jam is proof of concept for a new guitar setup, and less than planned because I didn’t hit record on the input track in AUM, so the original guitar sound is absent. Now that I have gloves that work with the iPad, I am thinking about trying to get by without my Blooper and reproducing its capabilities in iOS software.


I enjoyed it! It had a lot of variation & remained interesting.

Been busy with work so hardly getting anytime but managed some fooling about trying to make a tune tonight


Id love to welcome into the fun!

Deadlines not till the Fifth, and the way you’ve been putting up, I don’t think you will have any problems…

The theme is Video Games!

Here is my #22 early… got a show to go to in Chicago to see Aathee tonight!

Here’s some DnB…


been organizing all the patches on my hydrasynth and experimenting with the boards of canada patches, arranged the drums and chords on m8 then meandered around on top with the hydrasynth and xp-50.


hot damn ive got terminator 2 on the tv right now and this is hyping it up so much, hot tune dude

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Damn that’s a great compliment.


I love your baselines!

I’m gonna try and join in. I’ve never intentionally made dnb, so this could be fun.

Is the deadline the 5th or the first?

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