Jamuary 2023

Thanks a lot :), to be fair midjourney did most of the work ^^ but it was nice to have an image reference. It forced me to go to places i would not been without them.

Anyway : congrats to all who have produced and share their jams! once more i’ve heard some amazing stuffs done in no time! Jamuary is so refreshing i look forward for next year!
:raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands:

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The whole month. That was fun.


Well done all!! I’ve not had the most successful of Jamuarys - having made it through every day in 2022 I’ve been a bit hit and miss this year, think I managed about half. I’m ok with that though.

It’s been great to hear some of your efforts as well, as ever some really inspiring stuff on here. Great work all!


Still have to go back and listen to several days worth of jams, but congrats to everyone here!

I couldn’t finish the month out, but I loved the experience from participating and I think I learned what needed from it (or hope I did).

Anyone planning on building from what was done in January?

My brother and I are planning to sift through what we did, hopefully flesh out full length tracks and possibly put together an EP. It probably won’t be more than 4 tracks, but the goal is to finish by the end of February.


Final jam, which I’m really proud of actually.

Video includes some epic mountains that inspired the music.



I saved nothing! Not even so much as one sample or preset. I will definitely use things learnt during the past month to up my game from here on out though :0)


Damn! was that on purpose!?! I liked what I heard… I still need to go back and listen. I’m not the right head space to make music or listen to others objectively but I’ll get back there very soon but I remember one that was noisy or chaotic. I liked it.


It was on purpose. I deleted the patterns etc right after I recorded. Which is why many of my little insta videos had my sketchbooks instead of live video. But I’m a composition machine and I’ll just make more.

I would actually advise against going back and listening in this thread. Everything I linked is just a phone mic recording and sounds all crummy. I did full proper recordings of every jam and will be putting them up on the bandcamp (always free!) every Friday morning. I did post this in the Share Your Tunes thread but it’s relevant here so here is the actual recording from the 1st. As far as ‘mastering’ goes just it’s HP and LP filters from Tokyo Dawn Nova EQ and limiting from their Limiter6. These jams exist exactly as they were recorded live to two track stereo and I have no intention (and even less time!) to fuck with them any further.

The recording from Jamuary 2nd will be posted tomorrow at the same place for those interested.


I was gonna ask about this! I just didn’t want to be rude.

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