Joining the club

UPS just dropped this off. I’ve been after this thing since it came out. Very happy to have been able to swing a UW+, with upgraded knobs no less… very, very excited.


Welcome to the club!


It’s one of the well designed interface…evrything about it is timeless. I still have mine boxed ( unable to sell it)


Is it your first MD or just MDUW?

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First MD ever. Now my third (fourth?) Elektron; started with the OTmk1, then OTmk2 and A4mk2, all within the last year and change or so.

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My advice would be jump straight to the efm machines and live happily ever after


I love the MD, don’t think I’d ever get rid of mine. Always surprises me and on the whole a pleasure to use. It’s a shame it lacks some of the features of the newer boxes (trig conditions for example, and muting is a bit clumsy in comparison) but it just sounds so good. I borrowed an ARmk1 for a while, but prefer the sound of the MD.

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Welcome to the club :checkered_flag:

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Oh I plan to… spent a few minutes just getting the lay of the land and playing around with patterns, but that and the UW features are next on my list.

It’s definitely a bit clumsier than the newer machines, even things like the Bank/Pattern select are just so much quicker. Pretty sure I won’t be using the jog wheel much, but anyway it’s just a very weird and different beast.

I considered the AR, I use trig conditions, repeats, and individual track lengths/speeds a lot on the Octatrack and A4, and Overbridge would be nice, especially with all those tracks, but I just didn’t like the sound of it from the demos I heard.

Does anyone have any advice in terms of testing or things to look out for with used MDs? I ran Test mode and everything came out ok, and everything seems to be fine, though some knobs feel a little grittier than others. Aside from one scratch near the sequencer, it looks to be in very good condition.

It did come with a third-party power supply, I wonder if it’s worth spending on the official version or if the third party would be fine?

Any idea how I can test to make sure the +Drive is working?

And when you move it around, does it make a sound? It sounds like there’s a disk or something in there flopping around…

Welcome in the Select Club!

I have the Original Machinedrum since 2001 (SPS-1 with only 2 Bars).

Max Marco makes very good tutorials. Should check them out.



I’ve watched each one at least a dozen times. @defenestration does a killer job and honestly his videos took me from thinking the Machinedrum would be nice to have for nostalgia’s sake, to thinking it could be a vital part of how I make sounds and music.

I just wish there was a bit more content out there on the MD in terms of how to use it as opposed to just jams.

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Enjoy! It’s a fabulous machine! One of my favourite discoveries (learned from this forum) was plocks and LFO’s on the CTR-All machine. It’s great for happy accidents and evolving sounds.


Spend some time with just the MD and push all the peramiters on the different machines. You will find sweet spots where you don’t expect them.
Once you are comfy with what each machine can produce load up a control all machine. Then chaos ensues.


The third party PSU should be fine as long as it is 6V and 3 amps or so.

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It’s as follows…

Will this be an issue? Doesn’t seem to match your specs… If it’s not, I may reach out to the eBay seller and request they either provide the proper power supply or cover the cost of getting one or something.

Awesome! Congratulations !

Happy Silverboxing!!!

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So that is quite a bit more voltage than the MD is expecting. There is probably a voltage regulator in there that is going to get hotter than usual. If it were me I wouldn’t oversupply by that margin but I am not an electrical engineer. It might be ok, it might not. You would need to know a lot about the circuit to say one way or the other. It was definitely not designed for that.


Don’t forget TRX-B2! It seems like it’s hidden because it’s all the way at the bottom of the TRX machines list. Enjoy that Machinedrum, they are a thing of beauty.


trx-bd2 is a monster


Reach Elektron support and ask them.
Maybe they still have old PSU in stock :slight_smile: