Jomox M-Resonator is a 2 buss warmer for daredevils

I recently pulled this out after a while not using it, and the Jomox M-Res (and presumably T-Res) distorts beautifully!
I managed to find some tricks to keep it under control. It’s a risky play without a limiter but wow are there some great sounds in here.


I love the sound of my T-Res on the Machinesdrum, I just wish there was a way to link the two filters frequency. It is nice to split the signal with mono in stereo out though.

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Agreed! It’s too bad that there isn’t a version where you have stereo controls for freq and feedback with a second control for asymmetry.

Also center detents for the feedback pots, worth paying a little extra for.

nice! always wanted to try one.