Junk find

believe it or not one of my neighbours (who must be a dj or something apparently) dumped a big old mixer basically right outside my house. Naturally I took it in to check it out. Yamaha EMX2000. They also dumped a behringer DJX700 which I’m yet to plug in.

seems functional but it’s got a pretty high noise floor. It’s dusty as fuck. Is this something that can be helped with a good clean out if I take it apart? It’s got a pretty loud fan in it so obviously intended for use in small venues or whatever. Or maybe it’s just old. I don’t know. Just trying to figure out if it’s just filthy inside or if it’s not intended be used on my monitors or something.


You can try to clean all the pots with a can of air but it may be better off in the waste stream. It is a powered mixer, right?

lucky you! my neighbours only dump mattresses