Just accidentally deleted a project

There s a chance you can get it back, if it s stored as the temp/working project. Remove the power jack. Then put it back and turn on.

This only work is if you haven’t properly turned it off by pushing the button after you ve deleted the project.

Watch out: you ll loose anything that is not explicitly saved when you do this. It will reload to the temp/working state it was in when it was last turned off properly with the button. If that s your lost project you re in luck.


Thank you, unfortunately I’m very good about shutting it down the official way and I’d already loaded the old project to see how much I lost

If you think you remember enough, does it make sense to give yourself a short do-over attempt with a hard time limit? Say, giving yourself no more than one week to see if you can actually recreate it, and cut your losses if you can’t? Might be a way to appease that instinct without getting locked in. I do this for coding projects

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I’m just sick with grief. The first time this happened I was sleep deprived and so was the second time

Clumsy impatient fingers

Elektron can’t on one hand applaud anyone for maximizing the lowly M:C while at the same time ignoring how they laid a terrible trap thinking it wasn’t worth the development effort to add more than the most minimal protection. It’s just a beginner’s toy, no one will have projects that precious anyway.

Or to not unnecessarily wipe the slot. A restoration would be theoretically possible with a firmware update if you delete but don’t overwrite the slot with a new project

Makes me almost not want to touch the thing again

But… it was written, wasn’t it?
Like: there was a confirmation popup! A two-timed process, after a menu diving…
Or is there a shortcut I don’t know to reload a project?
Some shortcuts like Fun+No are even less forgiving :sweat_smile:
The fact that nothing is saved if you brutally switch off the Model:* bothers me more…

The lack of Yes/No buttons makes the click knob a loaded gun on that confirmo

I learned the lesson of not shutting down the Model pretty fast. It’s not so bad, I have to say they made that convenient enough for me. You just hold down the power button. Then again I don’t have a single switch for my studio like some.

You mention that you have recordings, in which case I’d suggest that this is (a really, really, really furstrating) setback. Your songs haven’t disappeared! You can still make these happen, and I’m willing to bet pennies to pounds that the only person that is hung up on what has been lost is you. If you recreate the songs, and people enjoy them, then it will be on the strength of your songs. I don’t think that anyone who hears the new versions will be thinking “I really like the music, but on the fourth song, the track playing the bassline could’ve had a colour setting that is 3 different to what I’m hearing here and therefore I think this is shite”.

I’m reminded of the story back in the late 80s about the debut album by Meat Beat Manifesto which had been fully mastered and was ready for release when the record company offices burned down destroying the masters. Now, I’d imagine that Jack Dangers was in a pretty serious funk and raging about his record company’s lack of investment in a mist supression system… but ultimately he grabbed the bull by the horns and ended up creating Storm The Studio. If the songs you’ve written are only 10% as good as anything off Storm The Studio then I’ll be at your Bandcamp on day of release throwing money at you!

Not to be too harsh or anything, but that’s been how Shift+Delete works in Windows since Adam was a boy so I don’t think Elektron have created some kind of grossly unintuitive golem here. Honestly, I’d find the UIX to be really annoying if, for every ‘Load’, ‘Save’ or ‘Delete’ operation I had to click off of the default choice to doubley triple check what i was wanting to do is right.

TLDR, there is no right or wrong with interface design - it’s all a balancing act. And in this case, I’d suggest is a sideshow. What’s important is that you’ve written some songs that you are proud of. To me, hearing the eventual outcome of all of that is way more interesting than someone who’s created something facile but with a glossy finish.


it feels like I’m reading about someone close and dear who just died.
Rest in Peace dear project, you won’t be forgotten.
A minute of silence please
Thank you

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Next time, backup your work if it so important


Imagining a year’s work wiped out is awful. I can understand why at this point you are thinking of saying just screw it. My suggestion is just to take a break while the mourning process plays out.

I do not use of M:C. On my Digitone there are separate sub-menus for loading and managing projects. This provides some protection from unintentional deletion of projects, I think. A good rule of thumb might be: Make the least frequently used functions of a machine the most menu-divey and inaccessible. I hope Elektron is listening.

I occasionally return to my DN projects to make little fixes. I love the ever-improving nature of the Elektron workflow. That discourages me, however, from making regular backups, because the most up-to-date version is always in the box.

Sorry, again.

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Well, it is the second time he “accidentally” deletes his own work so maybe backing up would be a good idea and it seems pretty helpful to me


It’s the universe telling you to do regular backups from now on.

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no, you are not. Remorse, perhaps, but not grief.
That shit consumes you.
The father whose 17 year old son i buried the other week? Sick with grief. Its like a light in their eyes that is also an emptiness, and they never get over it, they just grow around the huge, gnawing hole inside them.
Back your projects up!

In a more positive tone/vein…
Let this light a fire under your ass! If you want it back, GET IT BACK.
make it again or move on and take that fire with you.
As someone who has merely looked forlornly at my equipment as lights run over empty sequencers this past three months or so, i must say i am a little jealous at this emotional outpouring over some lost music. If i had something going musically that i cared that much for right now i would be thrilled.
Take that energy forward and dont waste it!
And back up your projects.


Remorse was a better word for it.

The responses in this thread have been amazing… You have given me the needed perspective. I don’t know how to return the favor besides to not give up and complete this album.

I am redoing it based mostly on memory. It’s something different, growing on the corpse of the lost version. (sorry been playing a lot of elden ring lately) I feel good.

I feel grateful that Elektron gear makes it so easy to make stuff that sounds good to me and that I found it.

And that I have a ton of presets.


This future record of yours already has a story ^^


Feel you.

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